Chapter 14: Forget Tomorrow

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"Angry?" Beast Boy asked incredulously. His vodka-induced state was slowly wearing and the pain he obtained in the fight replaced the numbness. Raven's thick black lashes swiped over her cerulean eyes demurely. She refused to let Beast Boy see her concern while she was still fuming over his act of unwarranted chivalry.

"Well, lets see Garfield. In the short span of three hours, you have compromised your career, embarrassed not only yourself but me as well, and oh yes! How can I forget? Nearly drank yourself to death! What a way to make an impression."

"Well, excuse me for trying to protect my wife!"

Raven's breath caught in her throat, "I don't need to be protected, I was a member of the Titans too." Unexpectedly, he placed his hand on hers and stroked it with his thumb.

"We all need to be protected sometimes Raven, let your guard down."

"No, I can't do that around you."

"Why not?"

"I don't know," Raven mumbled, her cheeks flushing, "you'll probably make a joke out of it."

Carefully, he pulled her down next to him on the bed. Brushing a strand of wet hair from her face, Beast Boy leaned in close and gently touched his lips to her cheek. He stared at her with earnest eyes, "I'm not laughing."

Raven felt her heart rise into her throat; she was not expecting such an earnest response. Tentatively, she placed her trembling fingers on his chest looking up at him with surprise. He kissed her lightly on the nose, "I wasn't joking when I said I love you." Cupping the back of her neck in his hands he trailed kisses along her jaw line. Beast Boy nuzzled his face in her hair taking in the mingling scents of lilac and rain, relishing in the fact that she was in his arms.

His warm breath tickled her ear; Raven gasped and clutched his shirt. He smiled, knowing it was he that was educing her sighs of pleasure. His pulse raced with every kiss, every movement, savoring the moment. Rain continued to tumble from the heavens, pushing the dirt and grime of life from the streets, washing away the impurities.

Raven listened to it beat against the windows, mirroring her quickened pulse. The sound soothed her quaking nerves and felt all her troubles wash transition into confidence. She wanted this just as much as he did. Handling her as if she were made of porcelain, Beast Boy gently laid Raven down on the bed and looked deep into her cerulean eyes.

Knowing his question, she slowly nodded, sliding her nail under the first button on his shirt. He lost his hands in her hair and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead, his lips slipping down to hers. Beast Boy winced at the sudden pain in his ribs and pulled back.

"Are you okay?" Raven asked alarmed.

"Terrific." He bent down towards her again.

"Are you sure you want..." she hesitated. "Are you too drunk?"

"I promise I know what's going on and that you aren't taking advantage of me. Scout's honor," Beast Boy said holding up his right hand. With a coltish grin he added, "And even if you were...I wouldn't blame you."

Raven rolled her eyes. "How charming," she teased in a monotone softer than usual. She reached up to his face and traced the wounds along his temple and cheeks. Tears pricked her eyes. Raven brought him down towards her and kissed him tenderly.

"Don't cry," Beast Boy whispered, wiping her lashes with his thumb.

"I love you too," Raven laughed, "even though you act without thinking."

"Some people say that's endearing." Without another word, he twined his fingers through the straps of her dress and pushed them down over her shoulders. He fumbled briefly with the zipper on the back, but managed after a few clumsy attempts. Raven unbuttoned the rest of his shirt without further delay and ran her hands over his chest.

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