Chapter 9: Surprises in Zen Garden

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"Life has taught me that respect, caring and love must be shared, for it's only through sharing that friendships are made"

-Donna A. Favors

"Good evening all!" Beast Boy opened his eyes to see a stout, red haired woman standing behind a podium. "Now I know this was short notice, but I'm glad to see so many of you were able to attend."

The young man kept his attention on the woman speaking, terrified to look any other way but straight ahead. "As most of you already know, last year the soccer team took a devastating blow when Coach Stewart retired, and now, our current coach, has just quit the job as well."

"The soccer team is awful, I can understand why." Beast Boy overheard the rather aggressive blonde woman mutter.

"Now, I'm not going to beat around the bush any longer," the speaker said with a chipper voice. "We need a new coach otherwise the children won't be able to play!" All the women in the room began to whisper to one another, shock permeating through the room.

Examining who surrounded him, Beast Boy could tell that most of these women were mothers that were very active in their children's lives. If there were no more soccer team, there would be far less for them to focus on. Suddenly, the murmuring came to a sudden halt and the young man felt there stares.

"Diane, are you volunteering?" The stout young women questioned, relief present in her tone.

"Oh, God no!" Beast Boy jumped slightly when he heard the brunette next to him speak. "I was thinking more along the lines of a nomination..."

'Oh no, she wouldn't,' the young man thought, his heart pounded furiously. "Doctor Garfield Logan," Diane announced, taking the opportunity to wink at Beast Boy.

The other women began to whisper again and Beast Boy saw Olivia take the podium. "Diane, this isn't a nominated position. Gar will have to volunteer if he wants to be the coach," Olivia stated, her eyes narrowing when her gaze fell upon the woman. "After all, he already has enough on his plate as it is. Mrs. Logan being one of those things," she reminded Diane subtly as she smiled down at Beast Boy.

The woman rolled her eyes and coldly stared back up at Olivia. "Well, it would be nice if my child had the opportunity to play," she informed the group. "Unlike some, she actually has talent," Diane whispered so only those within earshot could hear her.

Beast Boy had a feeling this was directed at Olivia and his heart began to beat faster. He did not intend on getting into the middle of anything. The young man didn't understand the way women worked.

Their feuds carried out for months and grudges would be made. Tactics formed and perfectly crafted verbal attacks slyly executed. Beast Boy was growing tenser, as he watched each woman stare the other down. He was certain one of them was going to pounce.

But, to his amazement this did not happen, rather they both broke out in an eerie laughter. The young man sighed uneasily; maybe the way women worked was something he didn't want to understand.

"I understand completely Diane, but it's up to Gar." Olivia eyed the young man hopefully. Beast Boy shifted in his seat. He would be going back to work soon and, although after reading through his med books things were becoming somewhat clearer, coaching a soccer team would cut into his job.

The women persisted to stare at him and nervously he cleared his throat. "Um, maybe...when is practice?"

Diane clapped her hands together in enthusiasm her mission was accomplished. "Don't worry, it won't conflict with work. Practices tend to be twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays and games are usually every other Saturday."

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