Chapter 6: Maybe You Can Owe Me

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"And honey, there's no hurry,

I know it's overdue there's a key to the door,

To the room where I'm staying,

You can sleep on the floor,

Half way through the night can we talk and see?

'Cause there's no way that I'll sleep when you're near me"

- Maybe You Can Owe Me, Architecture In Helsinki

* * * * *

Time crawled by on hands and knees as Beast Boy paced back and forth in the hospital's lobby. His emerald eyes were constantly drawn towards the clock that sat on the bare beige walls, like a moth to a flame.

It had been over two hours and he still heard nothing from the doctor, nor was he allowed to see Raven. The young man was growing tired of his surroundings. He hated hospitals, they were all the same: sterile, bright lights, and the strong scent of rubbing alcohol and fake Jell-O.

"Why don't you sit down?" Beast Boy turned to see a squat nurse with very curly brown hair and an expression of agitation painted on her face.

"No." He stated as calmly as he could. The nurse retreated back to her station and sat watching the young man as he moved across the gray linoleum floor.

When staring at the clock was too much for him to bear, Beast Boy's eyes would drift to the wing where Raven had been taken. "Where is the doctor?"

"Doctor Logan, asking where she is every ten minutes isn't going to make her come out and cure your wife any sooner." The nurse informed him patronizingly. She clearly was not a people person.

"Listen lady!" His patience were wearing thin and up until now he had been biting his tongue. "I have been waiting for two hours. My wife is sick! Do you understand that you work in a hospital? A place where people are usually upset!"

"What are you implying?" The nurse asked, her nose scrunched and her face beet red. The nurse rose to her feet and came over to where Beast Boy was standing.

"I'm implying that, I don't know, with your attitude maybe you shouldn't have gotten a job around people!"

"Doctor Logan?" Beast Boy's head shot over towards the doors to see a young woman with light brown skin and auburn coils in a white coat. The doctor glanced up from her silver clipboard to see the young man at his wits end with the nurse.

Beast Boy straightened himself up and left the lobby, following the doctor down the long white hallway.

"I'm Doctor Morgan, your wife is suffering from rat-bite fever, it's rare but becoming more and more prevalent nowadays. Symptoms are high fever, fatigue, muscle pain, and dizziness. We have put her on antibiotics she will be fine but she will be out of commission for quite some time. She's lucky you were there, otherwise this could have been fatal."

Beast Boy gasped at her last words, but Doctor Morgan smiled. "She will be fine now, rest and antibiotics should do the trick."

The doctor led the young man into a private room where he saw Raven lying on her back hooked up to an IV. Her black hair was plastered to her face and her skin looked as thin and ashen as paper.

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