Chapter 3: Life's Little Lessons

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(A/N this is a bonus cute pic I found of BB and Rae in a restaurant, all credits to Gabriel Picolo! Also, I highly recommend his books 'Raven' , 'Beast Boy' , and 'Beast Boy Loves Raven' in that order. There is a new book coming out called 'Robin' which is book four. The characters are Raven, Beast Boy, Damian, Raven's adopted sister, and soon Dick Grayson and Starfire!)

Raven's heart rose up into her throat at the sound of the heavily accented voice coming through her cell phone. She knew very well who was calling her.

"Today is a very different day dear is it not?"

"Who is this?" Raven asked just to make sure she was correct in her guess.

"Oh, I think you know who it is child. Madame Laveau, your carnival fortune teller...does that ring any bells?" Raven's blue eyes went wide as she slammed down on the brakes, nearly causing an accident. Beast Boy was jostled in the passenger seat beside her.

"What are you doing?" He asked breaking his silence.

"Oh, lovely children, how is life?" Madame Laveau's voice was as sweet as honey and equally thick, shrouded in feigned kindness.

"I'm sure you know how life is." Raven spat angrily into the phone.

"Now you believe, don't you?"

"You did this didn't you?"

"For your own good Miss Raven, and your husband's as well... the green one." The woman chuckled softly, her laughter ringing on Raven's last nerve.

"Well, he isn't green anymore! And neither of us have our powers or our lives for that matter! Our friends don't even remember us!" She shouted, her voice quivering on the last sentence.

"Who's on the phone?" Beast Boy finally questioned. He turned in his seat to see cars lined up behind there's, and people honking their horns violently.

"GET MOVING!" A rather surly looking man shouted, shaking his fist vigorously.

Beast Boy turned back around quickly, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Rae, people are starting to get pissed over this little traffic backup you're causing."

Raven finally noticed the honking and obscenities and slammed on the gas. Beast Boy was rocketed back into his seat and holding onto the armrest for dear life.

"And you said I was the bad driver," he commented.

"Now isn't the time Beast Boy." Raven warned darkly.

"Who's on the phone?" Beast Boy repeated.

"It's the fortune teller."

"What? The 'Miss Cleo' look alike?" Raven took time out of watching the road to glare at her teammate.

"That's the comment that got us in this mess!"


"She did this to us."

Beast Boy's eyes were shaded with anger, something Raven rarely saw. "Put her on speaker..." Raven complied with his wish and pressed the speaker button.

"What, lady, do you think it is that you're trying to do?" He asked through gritted teeth, eerily calm. There was a long pause, and, for a moment, both Titans thought that the woman had hung up, but Madame Laveau began to speak just as Raven was about to end the call.

"Teaching both of you a lesson." She stated simply.

"This is pretty extreme for a lesson don't you think?" Beast Boy shouted, his hands shaking with frustration and rage.

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