Chapter 2: There's Tofu in That Fridge!

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"What did you do?" Raven asked a strong tone of panic blanketed her usually stable voice.

"What did I do? You're the one with the magic!" Beast Boy noted still stunned by his reflection. He touched his face tentatively amazed by his tan skin.

"No, I didn't do this..." The girl trailed off thinking of how this could have happened, how both her and Beast Boy could be standing in front of the same mirror, looking like regular versions of their rather irregular selves.

"Wait..." What Beast Boy had said had made her realize something. "Our powers...try turning into an animal."

"Which one?" The green Titan asked.

"I don't care, just choose one!" Raven shouted growing frustrated with Beast Boy's inability to pay attention. He closed his eyes in concentration and attempted to transform into a cat. He pictured the small paws and the soft fur. But Beast Boy didn't feel the sensation he got when shifting, he opened one eye to see if anything had changed but all he saw was Raven staring at him intently.

"Well?" She inquired.

"It isn't working! I can't do it!" Beast Boy ran his hands through his now blonde hair and sat down on the edge of the unmade bed. "My powers are broken!"

Raven sighed heavily and closed her eyes, she knew that if his were gone, it probably went the same for hers, but she still had to try. She muttered her mantra under her breath and attempted to lift herself off the floor, but her feet stayed put refusing to budge. Her concentration was immense but it didn't matter how hard she tried, nothing happened.

"Mine are too." Raven whispered looking around the room for any indication to aid her in figuring out what was happening. She thought to herself that the first thing to do was to figure out where they were.

Raven quickly made her way over to the window and looked outside. She saw tall buildings and signs with what appeared to be Mandarin characters painted on them. There were various stores and restaurants with bright Chinese decorations.

"Beast Boy, we're in Chinatown."

"What?" He asked getting up from the bed and walking over to the window. "Dude, how'd we end up here?"

Raven didn't respond to his question, she was too busy looking for other clues. Noticing a large brown purse on the chair near the desk she began to rifle through it.

"What are you looking for?" Raven found what she was looking for, a crème colored wallet, and pulled it out. With some hesitance she opened it and looked at the driver's license through its plastic casing. The color in her cheeks paled and her blue eyes widened in horror. Raven's heart rose into her throat at the sight she saw. Beast Boy raised an eyebrow at her strange expression.

"What's wrong Rae?" He asked concerned.

"Go find your wallet."


"Just go find it!" Her urgent tone sent the him running around the room in search of his wallet, although he wasn't exactly sure as to what he was looking for. Finding a pair of pants lying in a pile by the door, he fished around in the pocket and pulled out a black leather wallet.

"Look at your driver's license." Raven instructed. Beast Boy opened it and pulled out the license inside. His green eyes widened just as Raven's had.

"I'm twenty-four! Dude! Yesterday I was seventeen! How am I twenty-four?"

"What's your name?" Beast Boy's eyes drifted up to the black bold lettering at the top and sighed.

"Garfield Logan." He stated confused not used to seeing his birth name as oppose to Beast Boy. At his confirmation of the worst, Raven began to shake her head as if trying to ignore what he said.

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