Chapter 8: Frequent Meetings

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     After I met the three of them, we would try to sit next to each other at lunch. I was always the first to arrive at the cafeteria because my room was a part of the "C" hall and if gets dismissed first. On one day, I was pulled aside from the cafeteria and brought to the main office. I was scared, nervous, and excited at the same time; which were some of the few emotions I had left. As I walked into the large office, I was confronted by Doctor Carson.

     "Eliza, dear! Have a seat please. So, many nurses and myself have noticed that you have adjusted quite well at Briarwood. That is swell! We have decided to grant you some privileges, however, if you abuse them, you will be punished." He said slyly. "Really? Like what privileges?" I added. "Well, to start, we have decided to remove your restraints in the cafeteria. Would you like that Elizabeth?" He said in an immature voice. I felt my face get hot. He was trying to trick me somehow. I knew it. Maybe it was his sarcastic tone that did it. "Well, doctor... how do I know that I can trust you?" I cocked one eyebrow at him.

   "I suppose you will just have to find out for yourself, darling." A part of me didn't believe him at all after his torture, abuse, and lies... but yet another part of me wanted to see if he was telling the truth. I figured that I should go along with his childish game. "Okay, I trust you Doctor. Now untie me." I said. "Okay, but first we must take you to the special room that has the equipment to do so." I knew what was going to happen but I had to go along with it. Either way, I didn't think it could even get any worse anymore.

     He walked me to a room I had never been in before. It had a large, rusted dead bolt. He swiftly whipped out a set of skeleton keys and unlocked the lock. He let me walk in first then slammed the door behind him and locked it. He pushed me to the ground and stood over me. "So where's the hidden meeting place, liz?" He shouted in my face. "What meeting place?" I said quivering. He slapped my face hard. "You know what i'm talking about, you whore!"

   I didn't know what to say. No one had ever called me that before. I couldn't tell him either. I would rather endure the pain than have no chance of escape. He threatened me over and over saying things like "I'll kill you." And "I'll kill your friends and family." But I had to stand my ground. I knew he couldn't get a hold of my family anyway.

    The next day, I woke up in my room again. I was chained to the bed post and I was starving. I couldn't remember how I got back up here or what happened after Dr. Carson's harassment. After a few hours, Dr. Hoffrey came to my room. "Oh my! What happened to you?" He said astonished. "What?" I questioned. "Your face is all bruised!" He said. I explained what I remembered from what happened with Dr. Carson. "Oh wow. Well it's been some time since we met up in the hidden corridor and we must start some serious planning. We must go there now. The rest of the group is waiting." He said. I nodded and carefully followed behind him.

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