Chapter 3: The Agony Begins

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It felt like hours had passed already. It could have even been days. There were no windows and nothing to eat or do. My stomach was churning... I felt weak and sick. I decided to rest a little, so I could regain my strength. As soon as I was relaxed and on the verge of full-fledged sleep, I heard voices coming from outside the door. I tried hard to listen carefully, but it was difficult because my ears were still ringing from hitting my head against the wall. I made out some of the words.

"The patient has been bleeding from her nose, and earlier I saw her smacking her head around on the walls."

One nurse mumbled "Should we begin the testing and experiments?" She added "Get the operation room ready Heidi." A male doctor with a deep voice concluded.

Right then and there, I started to panic. I ran around the small room frantically and looked for anything to defend myself with. Why are they going to take me to an operating room?? I don't need any operations! I thought to myself. For a 12 year old, that was a lot to take in at once. I look back now, being 17 currently and praising my 12 year old self. All of these memories scarred my brain, so I will NEVER forget them.

Anyway, back to the flashback, I was crouched in the corner of the cell, shaking violently. I didn't know what they were going to do to me. I heard the doorknob slowly start to turn. "SQUEAK." My palms were cold and clammy like a dead fish. A doctor barged in with a gurney behind him. Within seconds, nurses started to flood the small cell. They each grabbed a part of me.. an arm, a leg, my back. They lifted me out of the dank corner and placed me upon the gurney. There were straps that looked like smaller belts connected to the gurney. One by each arm, leg, and also near my hips and neck. Each nurse took a strap in their hand and locked my limbs into a restraint.

They pushed me down long, dark hallways that seemed miles long. The smell was unimaginable. The hallways smelt of burnt flesh and feces. I could hardly bare the scent. We then approached two doors that flung open as they wheeled the portable bed with me on it, in. The top section of the old gurney was removed from the wheels. They placed it on a table. On the table there were holes that appeared as if they were meant for draining something. I saw metal bowls on the table next to me. Many different pointy, sharp-looking tools lie on a dirty towel. I heard the doors close and felt yet another pinch in my neck. Everything faded into darkness.

Escaping Our SanityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz