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Wednesday's POV:

We walked into the dorm to immediately be met by hugs from both girls.

"Oh my God Enid, we thought we lost you!" Yoko sobbed, making Enid start crying once more. I laid a comforting hand on her lower back, and she slightly leaned into it.

"I don't think I've ever seen Wednesday that miserable. She literally got up, went to work, went to visit you, and then went to bed. She hasn't wrote since you were put in the hospital." Divina said, making Enid turn to look at me.

"Thanks Divina now I'm going to get scolded when I'd rather b-"

"You'd rather be getting fucked, yeah yeah we know." Yoko joked, as a mischievous look rose to Enid's face. 

"Yoko could you shut the fuck up, I swear the Y in your name stands for yapping, because that's all you do." Divina said, while hitting Yoko on the arm.

"Is not!"

"Is to!


"Guys!" Enid yelled.

"Sorry," they both mumbled, while turning to look at Enid and I.

"I just woke up, and as much as I love you both. I would really just like to spend time with Wednesday." thank God.

"Of course Enid! We understand, we have homework to do anyway. Right babe?" Divina said, while elbowing Yoko. 

"Y-Yeah," She replied, as Divina pulled her out of the room. Once the door was shut, I walked over and locked it. 

"Oh? What's that for?" Enid asked, in a teasing manner.

"So Yoko doesn't try to waltz her way back in here?"

"Mhm, or.... You want something else." she said, as she trailed her fingers up my arm. 

"What are you suggesting?" I asked, while trying not to move when she leaned closer to my face. 

"You know what," 

"I do, but I want to hear you say it."

"Okay... I want you to fuck me senseless, and remind my body what it feels like to have your pretty little body on mine." she whispered down my neck, making my cheeks flush. "You weren't expecting that, were you?" 

"No, I wasn't." I answered, while pushing her hair off her neck, and placing kisses down her jaw.

"Good, now do it." she muttered, while pushing me back onto the bed. She crawled on top of me, as my hands made their way to her ass.

"I don't think this position is going to help me 'fuck you senseless'" I quoted.

"I want to... try something."she said, nervously.

"Which is..?"

"Uhm, it's kind of... embarrassing to say out loud." she mumbled, as her cheeks turned pink.

"Just say it love, I'm sure I won't mind." I said, as she shifted on my lap. 

"You know what, nevermind. You do as you please." she said, while weakly smiling, and getting off of me. Before she could fully get up, I pulled her back down by her wrist.

"What were you going to say?"

"I- Uhm nothing, it's really not important."


"I promise, all I want is you." 

"Your not getting anything until I know what you were going to say." She huffed, before opening her mouth.

"Fine, I was going to ask if I could...If... Oh my God," she groaned, as she covered her face with her hands. "I can't Wenny,"

"Is it really that bad?"

"Yes," she muttered.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't of said anything," I joked, while pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Are you really going to make me say it?" she asked, as she pouted. 

"Since it's so embarrassing for you I guess I'll be nice and not make you tell me." 

"I knew you wouldn't," 

"Don't push it," she giggled, before standing up and pulling me up with her. 

"Wanna shower? I feel gross, even though I haven't really done anything." 


"Also did you redye my hair? It looks a lot more vibrant." she asked, as she pulled her top off. 

"Yes, does it look okay?" I asked, while walking up behind her. 

"It looks perfect," she answered, before turning around to kiss me. "I'm never going to take anything we do for granted again, especially since I saw how quickly it can all be taken away." she mumbled, while pressing our foreheads together. 

"I think we should take a break, go on a trip. Wherever you want. It can be just going to see my family, or we could go to the Bahamas. I really don't care, just anywhere but here." 

I'm In love with my teacher~Wenclair.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant