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Wednesday's POV:

I opened the door to her room, and glanced around making sure there was no doctors left in the room. Nothing, just her motionless body on the thin, white bed. 
I slowly walked over to her, while pulling a chair with me. I sat down by her side, and grabbed her cold hand. I'm not used to her being cold, it's unsettling. And not in the good way. 
I sighed, before pulling her hand up to my lips. I placed a few delicate kisses on her knuckles, as I started to speak. 

Mon amour, Je suis vraiment désolé d'avoir laissé cela t'arrivera Rien de tout cela ne se reproduira plus, j'en suis sur. Je t'aime et tu me manques beaucoup ma douce Enid...My love, I'm so sorry I let this happen to you. Nothing of this such will ever happen again, I've made sure of it. I love and miss you dearly my sweet Enid.

"That was pretty, is it Italian?" what I'm assuming is the doctor asked, as he walked up behind me. 

"No, French." I answered, as I stood up and brushed off my skirt. Even though I know nothings on it.

"I've always wanted to learn French, it sounds like such a fun language to speak." 

"Could we get this over with? I'm allergic to small talk, and I would rather just be alone with her again." 

"Yes, of course... So as of right now Enid is in a trauma induced coma, we don't know when she'll wake up, but our guess is 2 weeks, to 2 months." Am I really going to have to wait that long to hear her annoying, but beautiful voice. And see her ocean blue eyes?

"Will she... Lose any of her memory? Will she still remember the days leading up to her coma?" I asked, as I started messing with my fingers. 

"She shouldn't lose any of her memories, but we're also going to keep a very close eye on her. The bullet hit one of her major arteries, and we had to stitch it back together. If the stitching comes undone, it will kill her." That doesn't scare me at all... "But I wouldn't worry about it to much, she'll be just fine. I'll leave you two alone now." He said, as he turned to walk out of the room. 
I turn back to look at her pale face, it's odd seeing her without at least a touch of blush. I know I always talk about how she doesn't need makeup, but i've always enjoyed the way she does it. It's like her own way of art, I have my torturing, and she has her makeup. That's a very peculiar comparison now that I'm thinking about it.
Maybe I should bring one of her big, fuzzy blankets here, I know she loves being hotter than hell while she's sleeping, and when she's awake as well. Or I could text Yoko and ask her to bring one here. I don't think I'll be leaving this room until they force me out.


Speak of the devil.

"What Yoko?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?! I get your mad about what they did to Enid, but that does not give you the right to go on a killing spree." she chastised me. 

"It's not a killing spree if I only killed one person, besides, you and I both know she deserved it." 

"That's not the point Wednesday!" She said, before sighing, "Next time just be a bit more careful, Maisie was the one that found her body, and it took me almost an hour to try and convince her that it wasn't you."

"I wasn't planning on killing her at that time, I just couldn't listen to her go on and on anymore." 

"But you were planning on killing her?" she asked.

"I was planning on kidnapping her, starving her, and torturing her until she finally met her inevitable death. Or until she begged me to just end her life. I would've had a lot more fun doing that, and it would've kept me busy waiting for Enid to awake." 

"When do they say she should wake up?"

"2 weeks, to 2 months," I heard her huff, as she threw open her car door. 

"Is there anything you need from your dorm? I know your gonna want to stay there tonight, I can't believe I expected you to actually teach all day. I knew I wasn't going to be able to learn, so what made me think you would be able to teach?" she asked, mostly talking to herself.

"Can you bring one of Enid's blankets? The ones here suck, and she's freezing."

"Sure, anything else?"

"My toothbrush, hairbrush, and a hoodie and shorts."

"Really? You never let anyone other than Enid touch your clothes."

"Are you going to grab it or not, because I can go pack my own bag."

"No I'll grab it, do you want a Tshirt too? Or any sports bras?  Or one of Enid's hoodies?" she said, before slightly laughing. 

"Just put whatever in there Yoko, I could care less. Just don't forget the blanket."

"Okay! I'll grab a pillow too, I know the ones there are literally paper."

"Thank you, Yoko." I muttered, as I turned back to look at Enid.

"No problem Wens, see you in a bit!" she answered, before hanging up. God she's annoying, but in a good way. I guess...
I notice myself start to have a hard time keeping my eyes open, I guess missing all that sleep Is finally catching up to me. I wasn't going to do this, but I really want to. I know I'm never going to sleep if I don't, so I walk over to the other side of the bed. I slip off my shoes before sliding into the hospital bed with Enid. I curled up at her side, and place my head on the uninjured side of her chest. I yawned once more before falling into the best sleep I've had in weeks. 

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