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Enid's POV:

Sadly the bell rang not to long after I had gotten myself comfortable. I swear me and Wednesday both let out the biggest sighs of our lives.

"Well since I'm guessing you're not going to let me skip another class, I should get going now." I said, while getting off of her. 

"Yes, I'll see you at lunch." she mumbled, her cheeks still flushed a light shade of pink. I love when that happens.

"Mhm! I love you, Wendy." I answered, as I grabbed my phone off of her desk. 

"I love you too, Hermosa." God, she's so cute! I lean down and place a kiss on the top of her head before making my way to the door of her room. I open and close it, making sure it locks before I walk to my next class. Gym. This class isn't too bad, especially since I have it with Yoko, Bianca, and Divina. We just sit around most of the time. 

"Hey girl! I waited for you outside of your last class, but you weren't there. Where'd you go?" Yoko asked, as she flung her bag into her locker. 

"Wednesday wanted to talk to me about why I fell asleep during her class, she thought something was wrong. Then after we talked I conned her into letting me stay with her." 

"Your literally so lucky she works here. I wish I could do that." 

"I know right!? Also you got an 85 on your pretest." I said, as we walked over to the group of girls standing by the door.

"Really!? That's actually so good! What did you get?" 

"100, I actually got an 85, but Wednesday said she would fix both of ours so we could start with a 100."  I explained, before we were both stopped by one of the girls in front of us. She was a senior last year, but I'm pretty sure she has to retake this year. We've never gotten a long.

"Hello Enid, how are you since you wolfed out to protect your little goth girl?" she asked, her snarky undertone very easy to hear. 

"I'm fine," I muttered, while I tried to push my way out of the door.

"I wonder what the new principle would think if I told her that your skipping classes to go do who knows what with your girlfriend. Does she even know you're together?" Mr. Thorpe was fired for being with Beatrice, so we ended up getting a new principle. And no, she doesn't know me and Wednesday are romantically infatuated. 

"Just leave her alone, Noelle. It's not like it's illegal anyway, Enid's older than her." Yoko said, now stepping into the conversation.

"Okay Tanaka, but I'm just letting you know, I will report you if you do something I don't like. Be careful." she stated, while turning and walking out of the locker rooms. 

"Don't listen to her Enid, you and I both know Wednesday would kill her if she even tried to do anything." 

"Yeah, your right." I mumbled, as I followed her out into the gym. Why me?

Wednesday's POV:

I've been finished gradeding for the past 30 minutes, I have no idea what to do now. I wonder what Enid's doing, I know she's in gym, but what are they doing. The only thing I can picture is her in those short shorts, and-
No Wednesday, You cannot think of that right now. Especially not since the bell is supposed to ring in 10 minutes.

*RIng Ring Ring*

"What is it Tanaka?" I'm not in the talking mood right now.

"I'm so fucking pissed right now." 

"Don't you have a best friend, and a girlfriend to talk to. Why did you call me?" I ask, while fidgeting around with some of the papers on my desk.

"Noelle is being a fucking bitch again, and making it her life's work to make Enid's life a living hell." Noelle? Isn't that the girl that I 'accidently' pushed down the stairs last year. She's always had it out for Enid, I'm just convinced she's jealous that she's not even half as pretty as Enid. 

"Next time, I'll push her In front of my car." I muttered, as I stood up from my desk. Time to teach this bitch a little lesson. 
I hung up the call between me and yoko, and made my way down to the gym. I know this is completely inappropriate, but to be honest I really could care less. 
When I walked through the door to the gym I immediately caught Enid's attention.

"Wendy, I wasn't expecting to see you here." 

"I wasn't expecting to find myself here either, I just have somethings I need to clear up with a girl named Noelle."

"Oh no you don't," Enid stated, while pulling me back towards her. "We don't need a replay of last year."

"I wasn't planning on pushing her down the stairs, I was planning on using her as a speed bump." I mumbled, as I watched her hold back a smirk that was so desperately trying to make its way onto her face.

"Well I'm not going to let you do that, especially since your already walking on thin ice with the sheriff's department."

"At least let me throw one punch,"




"Hello Enid, Mrs. Addams. Fancy seeing you here." Speak of the fucking devil.

"Noelle, how's your arm healing? I heard it was pretty bad," I asked, while taking a step closer to Enid.

"It's great, and thankfully it wasn't bad enough that I had to have surgery." She answered, as a fake smile ghosted her lips.

"When I'm done with you surgery won't fix you." I whispered, only Enid and I being able to hear what I said.

"What was that?" she asked, completely oblivious to what I said. 


I'm In love with my teacher~Wenclair.Where stories live. Discover now