Chapter 1 (Welcome to Union)

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(Y/N) Pov.

What the hell is going on? Ok let's run it back real quick, the 3 of us were going to test on the call sign for our vehicles then the next we were attacked by a Death Jackal. After our powers combine at full power we broke reality, then the next thing we know we are here with everyone else. I notice there was at least a 5 other groups besides us. A group of 8 with a girl with red hood, a group of 7 with a girl with red hair, a group of 6 with a girl wearing an assassin clothing, another group of 6 with a guy and finally a 2nd group of 7 with a guy in blue hair. So basic math this makes 34 people, 37 including us

Brown hair boy: Umm Rias what is going on? Any idea what's happening?

Rias: No, I'm not sure myself

Blue hair boy: Umm Kotori did Fraxinus accidentally teleport us here? Is it a glitch?

Kotori: No, it shouldn't be a glitch. Something else brought us here?

Blond girl: This is freaky

Green hair boy: Could an imperial arms brought us here on purpose? Akame what do you think?

Akame: Could possibly be but I don't think an Imperial Arms would be this powerful to teleport us here

British girl: I can't contact Ms. Orimura, Ichika any ideas how to contact her?

Ichika: I don't know and (notice) hey my IS is gone

Red hood: (gasp) CRESCENT ROSE!

Akame: Where's my sword?

They all started to A. Panic or B. We're even more confused, I notice that one of the girls look calm and spotted something

Girl with bow: Is that an academy?

We looked to see that she was right, we've been distracted about how we got here we didn't notice an academy. A rather large one at that

Zoe: A academy? That's not like any academy I've seen before

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Zoe: A academy? That's not like any academy I've seen before

Kotori: But why are we here?

???: It's simple, you all are brought here for an...experiment

We turn towards what looked like a man in a large loose black cloak. We had our guard up to fight if he did anything funny, just when I was about to grab my sword but I notice it was gone. Guess I was too distracted I didn't notice. That includes my weapons from my belt, even my sisters and Zoe's nanotech

(Y/N):So is this experiment includes taking our weapons?

???: Haha please settle down everyone, it's for safety. We don't want any accidents here on arrival, especially any fights. Look I'm not going to hurt you I promise, like I said before you all have been brought here for a purpose

Rias: What kind of purpose?

???: I will explain later on. For now, please come with me

Kotori: You expect us to come with you? We don't even know you name?

Welcome to Union (Male Reader X Crossover Harem)Where stories live. Discover now