🍎Chapter 5: Keys Galore🍎

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Bob put away a bag.
"Knock, Knock."
Turning around, Bob was met with Felix, Penny, Theodore and Lily,"Heya, kids; What can I help ya with?", Penny stepped with with Felix, Nugget and Carla were gonna try and get a key from The Old Janitor while they tried Bob.
"Well, I was wondering if you have a copy of a key for the Principal's Office."
Bob titled his head, his hand resting on the keys he had on his belt,"I may, may I ask why?", Felix stepped forward,"A couple of reasons, one reason is my father is looking for copies for the office in case he needs to come in for meetings and Penny's mother, the Headmistress, isn't there and can let himself in immediately.", Penny nods, Bob nods and to their relief he took the keys and went through them and handed Penny the key to The Principal's Room.
"Thank you!"
Penny hugged Bob, who was happy about the hug and gave her a headpat.


Carla held a ice pack to Nugget's eye,"Nope; Seems like he only has keys to certain rooms.", Penny smiled, held up a key,"Got a key to Mom's Office; We just need to make a copy and give it back to Bob.", so they went into an empty room.
Penny took out the mold and Felix showed her and the others how to do it properly.
"How do you know this. . .?"
"Mother always loses her keys, so Dad always has copies for her; So I know how to do this."


"Thank you Bob!"
Penny gave the key back, Bob was very happy as Penny ran down the hall.
Okay; So they have the key to main room, now they needed to get in the hatch.
Carla hummed,"Why not just break it open?", "Then she'd immediately know someone's in there.", that was true, they needed to plan this carefully as they didn't know what was down there.
But Billy wanted to make sure he'd answer the phone if his parents or other family calls, because the last they wanted was to worry his family.


"Does the hatch have a key?"
Penny nods,"Yeah, looking at it; Seems like it's an old key we're looking for, an old key would stand out but. . ."
It was the end of the day.
Lily was crying, because she didn't want to leave as Kid was still there but Billy, Theodore and Nugget comforted her.
Felix waited for his brother, they had to get home and get the mould made into a key.


Kid struggled in the chair, his wrists, torso, legs and ankles were tied and something was holding his head straight.
The Principal couldn't get anything out of him, not because he was good; But he doesn't understand this power he holds, so she'd have to get her answers somewhere else.
Then that plastic mask was put back on, he immediately began to struggle; He didn't want to be put back under!
As it began to effect him, feeling drowsy and sick. . . He's sure his last memory was The Principal taking his arm and holding something sharp.


Felix held up the key,"Perfect; We got one key, we just need to get past that hatch.", Theodore nods, Motny gave a thumbs up; They were one step closer to getting their friend back.

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