🍎Chapter 1: Gone Home Sick🍎

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Kid knocked on the Principal's door, waiting a few seconds and entered the room.

The room was actually kind of cozy, kind of. . . Had a pink carpet, pink mat in a different shade, plants and The Principal sat at her seat with a smile that obviously made him nervous to approach her, so he held onto the handle of the door.
"You wanted to see me. . .?"
"Yes, Dear. Please, come in; No need to be afraid."
Kid closed the door behind him, she stood up and walked to a smaller table that had cookies, two drinks and she sat down, offering a seat across from her.
"Please, have a seat."
Kid was hesitate, but he sat down anyway as he didn't want to upset her.
She smiled,"I just wanted to talk to you about class, I've already done this with other students such as Felix, Carla, Monty and more, so it's your turn.", Kid nods, she lifted the plate and held it out to him.
"Take a few."
. . .
He took three, upon eating one he couldn't immediately tell something tasted very strong but; He's tasted worse so it isn't so bad.
Maybe she had a sweet tooth?
She continued to smile as he ate the cookies, she began to talk.


Lily tapped Ted on the shoulder, making him jump as his brother rolled his eyes,"Lily, what's up?", "Have you seen, Kid? He left to go to the bathroom but he hasn't came back yet.", Felix shrugged,"No.", "Uhm, no sorry; Maybe ask The Hall Monitors?", Lily nods and leaves the class.

"You need a hall pass-"
"I know, but have you seen Kid?"
The Hall Monitor hummed, Stevie came out of the bathroom coughing and waving his hand around, obviously he was just smoking in the bathroom; He'd do it in the hall, but then he'd be caught by Penny.
"Yeah, The Principal stopped him in the hall and asked to see her in the office."
Lily nods, running back to Study Hall.
. . .
Maybe a few minutes passed, but he felt another tap on his arm and Lily was back with a hall pass.
"Thank you!"
Lily ran down the hall.


The Principal smiled, the child's eyes were barely open, he could barely lift his head; She made sure the cup and cookies would all be filled with enough to knock him out.
She stood up, picked him up as he couldn't say anything and fighting against sleep.
But just to be sure, she was going to inject him with more and then something to numb his body, stop him from fighting if he woke up again.


The Principal came out, finding Lily standing there,"Hi uhm. . .", "Oh, Lily.", she closed the door behind her and smiled down at Lily,"How can I help you?", "Uhm. . . Have you seen Kid? The Hall Monitor said he was in your office, he isn't in trouble is he?", the Principal shook her head,"No, no; Not at all.", she continued to smile, Lily felt a little. . . Unsafe, she smiled sown at her.
"Kid wasn't looking well, and I decided to send him home as he was sick; We don't need everyone to catch a bug now, do we?"
Lily stared at her.
. . .
"Sent home? He's sick??"
"Yes, Dear."
. . .
Lily stepped back, suddenly that feeling from the pit of her stomach grew,"Okay. . . You're right. . . We don't want others to get sick. . .", Lily ran down the hall, yelling a thank you but not daring to look back as fear provoked her to run faster.
Stevie threw away an empty packet of cigarettes, Lily darted past him and upstairs, while confused he saw the Principal close the office door and he shrugged.


Monty frowned, gripping the handles of his wheelchair,"Are you sure. . .?", Lily nods,"Kid couldn't have been sent home; His parents away on business and he's staying with us until they got back.", Monty, Billy and Nugget looked at each other.
That was a red flag, though it was possible The Principal didn't give any crap about them but the fact Lily and Billy got no call from their parents about it was concerning.
Nugget frowned,"Nugget believes The Pretty Lily! Nugget thinks Nugget's Best Friend was taken by the Evil Principal.", Monty titled his head,"Okay. . . Let's say Kid was taken-", Nugget jumped in again,"Nugget says we must save him! Nugget's friend has already done so much for us, Nugget believes we must save his friend afterall; He saved the Pretty Lily and Billy.", Billy nods, having had a few minutes to let the information sit,"I agree; I think we should prepare cause, if he was taken by that witch; how do we explain to his parents when they get back by Friday?"

Just at the top of the stairs, Ted and Felix had been walking by and overhead Lily's accusation that Kid was kidnapped by the Principal.
Ted looked back at Felix, giving him a sad look and Felix sighed, obviously annoyed but Kid had done so much for him.
"Ugh. Fine."
Ted smiled.

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