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"Thank you so much for your patience." Jisoo thanked them, while we entered the car.

"Of course, no worries." Chan smiled, but I could see Hyunjin plaster a smirk on his face. God, how much I wanted to smack it off his, utterly attractive face.

Yes, I hate to admit it, but god that man is attractive as hell. His attentively slim, but full face, with that pair of gorgeous blackish-brown eyes, shimmering every time he stood at least remotely close to the sun.

The rest of his face, also being a masterpiece itself, but the most frighting part of it all, are his lips. Those full, plump, redishly tinted lips. Gosh...how much is just love to..

Alright, that's enough. As much as that man gets my attention in a good way, he also grabs it in the worst one possible.

The whole drive back, Jisoo was trying to eye-code me something, that i fortunately didn't get, cause there's no way I'd wanna eye-code her back.

You know, Jisoo being Jisoo. But thankfully about in the middle of the ride, we got a call from Yeji.

Right! That bitch hasn't been here in like two weeks now! Her and Jennie better be in their goddamn way.

Yeji informed us her plane just landed at the airport, and they'd be at YL, with their stuff at 1pm.

How great. Currently it was 11am, we'd taken at least five rides there and back. I was honestly starting to feel quite bad for the two guys.

They had to dive back and fourth, spending tons of gas, and patience too, which I bet Hyu-idiot has more than enough, not really.

"Thank you so much." Jisoo still kept her friendly act on, which I unfortunately didn't want to anymore, but at least she did it for me.

"No worries." Minho and Seungmin informed us they'd go get Jennie and Yeji at the airport." Chan still smiled a polite response, but all four of us were secretly, but very visibly annoyed by each and everyone one of our's existence.

And by that, the tension and embarrassment in the car was thicker than ever, but thankfully we arrived to YL just in time for me to not die from cringe.

Hyunjin seemed to dash off as soon as he parked the car, Chan helping us get our luggages, but he ran off soon after too.

Man, such gentlemen...either way, me and Jisoo, somehow, managed to drag our luggages, onto the twentieth floor, which was the floor for dorms, nor for trainees though, these rooms were for debuted mafias only.

There were now only three, but big, debuted mafias on this floor. Us, straykids and seventeen.

Gosh, and when you see seventeen...there's thirteen of them there! Man that's a lot. And when I tell you how each and every one of them looks majestic, you wouldn't believe me.

Like..where does YL find so many attractive guys. In my life, I hadn't seen at least one, remotely, attractive man, before I came to YL, but here...they just come like hot pockets.

"Open the door!" She yelled, with two of her luggages, rolling behind her, and also her bag, swung on her shoulder.

"Yah! My hands are full too!" Me, being hung like a Christmas tree, with bags too, yelled back.

"Ya-just..get the keycard, and place it there!"

"I'll get squashed between those bags! Jisoo-ah!"

"Alright....don't yell. We'll figure this out." Jisoo seemed to have calmed down.

"Just ask someone to help us."

"Ani, I don't wanna trouble anyone more." She sighed.

"Jisoo-ah! It's just placing a keycard to the door!" I yelled, stomping annoyed. Gosh, this woman was just too kind sometimes.

Jisoo seemed to have given up, just standing there, not peeping another word, and looking at me.

"Ah, excuse me.." I walked up to the nearest person I could find. "Could you please...uh..help us?" I asked, a bit shyly.

"Ah, of course. What seems to be the problem?" The guy turned around, and when I say, I saw heaven, I'm not lying. 

Man looked like a prince, definitely one of the most attractive people I'd ever seen.

That's when I realized, that was someone from seventeen. Their big amount didn't really help in remembering their names, I only remembered Hoshi and Woozi.

"Uh, we can't reach the door." I said completely seriously, to which he just snickered, before containing himself.

"Ah, sorry. Aren't you the new gang? YL told us about some old residents, moving in."

"Yeah..that's us. Anyway, uh...we've got so many luggages, and neither me or Jisoo can reach the door.." I sighed.

"Ah, I'll help, no worries." He shot a charming smile, gently taking the keycard out of my hand, and walking behind me.

"Thanks a lot." I bowed, after he unlocked the door, handing us the keycard back.

"No problem." He stated, before tuning to leave, but abruptly tuning back. "Hey, did YL tell you about dinner? We're supposed to be meeting you guys, apparently tonight."

"Really? No, we didn't know." Jisoo answered, as I dragged our luggages into our shared room. And when I tell you this room is giant, that'd be an understatement. It's massive!

The first thing that came to mind when I saw it inside, was immediately Adrien's house, from Miraculous. Too bad there weren't any monkey bars to hang from.

And the fact that this was a room for two?! It seemed like it'd fit at least ten people! There was a tiny door at the edge of the room, next to the, did I mention, giant glass window? It literally felt like we were flying.

The tiny door lead to Yeji and Jennie's room, which was right next to ours. Surprisingly, however reason possible, their luggages were already safely stored, where they should be.

"Alright, the dinner's in a couple of hours, and Jennie is apparently already in the lobby with Yeji." Jisoo sighed, flopping on the bed.

"Ahh, jinjja? Let's go greet them, huh?"

Jisoo sighed, seeming annoyed, standing up from the bed. "ྀི"Aaalright." She groaned.

Burn The Devil ||Hwang Hyunjin||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora