Chapterish 69

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Hello Bremmies,

We are in the homestretch!! I have about 15 more chapterishes planned. So excited for these next few. I hope I'm able to bring closure and worthy endings for these beautiful characters we all love.

Keep dropping ideas, comments, & stars!!

Don't forget to check out my other works. There's fantasy, time-travel, holiday romances, and even some vampire vibes.

Much love,




It seems like all I do is pack. For trips. For home. For weddings. And it's not just my gown, heels, makeup, and hair wand I'm packing this time. I'm extra heavy on the emotional baggage today.

I try to compartmentalize it, pretending it's zipped up and stowed away in a tiny pocket on my backpack. At least, I'm putting up a good battle as the Philadelphia skyline looms into view. The misty gray morning perfectly mirrors my mood right now.

My mom pulls the car right up to the station, almost smacking the curb as she does so. Trix, Meg, and I pile out and grab our suitcases from the back.

"Have fun! And be safe in NYC!" My mom shouts after us.

"We will. Love you!"

"Thanks for the ride!"

We lug our shit into the cathedral-ceilinged station and I allow myself a private moment to appreciate just how much better they made buildings almost 100 years ago. Trix and Meg lead me over to a polished bench that looks more like a church pew and we drop our bags down.

"Coffee?" I ask, adjusting my leggings.

"Yes, I'll come," Meg says.

"Mocha, no whipped. I'll babysit the bags." Trix grins.

"Thanks mom," I joke, already walking towards the nearest bakery counter with Meg at my heels.

"Kind of want a croissant," Meg mumbles more to herself than to me. "That fruit cup does look ripe though."

"Got my name on it," I say.

I order the fruit cup, an XL caramel coconut milk latte, and Trix's mocha. I wait for Meg to order her drink and select which cheesy sausage croissant sandwich she wants before paying altogether.

We stand, waiting beneath the Pick-Up sign, casual and cool in all our athleisure glory. Two guys are leaning against the wall, being more than obvious about checking us out.

"They are-" I begin to nudge Meg.

"Completely drooling," Meg finishes. "One thousand percent."

"Can't blame them." I shrug.

"Go chat them up," she suggests.

"Oh my God, please." I roll my eyes. "I'm not there. Mentally. Or at all."

The one is pretty cute though, with sandy hair and a lopsided smile. It's not lost on me that he kind of resembles Josh.


"Gotta get back out there, girl. Before you forget how." Meg raises her brows.

"Um, it's been like one month!" I exhale laughing.

"Did I say I was referencing Josh?" Meg smirks.

I shoot her a mad dirty look and she throws her hands up in defense. "I'm just saying. You're way too hot to not get some."

Never Really Over (Bremmy 3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ