Chapterish 35

911 71 9


"OKAY, LISTEN UP." Lauren shouts over everyone.

I focus on her long pony, pulled up with a white scrunhie, and spilling over the top of her white visor. She's one of those brides. White has become the only color known to her.

"YOO!" Brody shouts at Alex and Nate, both still talking to each other and laughing about some shit.

"Okay, so first, we are going to play frisbee," Lauren begins, clapping her hands together. "Yes, frisbee! It's easy for everyone and we won't sweat too much."

"Speak for yourself. I'm playing ultimate frisbee," Nate says.

"Same." Meg nods.

I should note they are both already sweaty from their morning run through the park.

"Okay. Line up!" Alex starts arranging the guys in some type of order.

"This way. Oh, come on. It's easy!" Lauren is telling Trix.

It's guys against girls, because there are teams in frisbee. Who knew? And I don't care what anyone says, frisbee is not nerdy. And there's abso nothing leisurely about it either.

We even have a mini audience thanks to all the dogwalkers, power joggers, and moms pushing their double strollers on their daily Starbucks runs.

My mid-morning nerves dissipate with each degree climb in temperature. By afternoon I am shaking my doubts from this morning completely. Last night really was fine. Today is it. Then tomorrow, Josh and I will be back to our own life, miles and miles away from Hurricane Brooks.

"Catch!" Whit shouts at me from behind. I stretch my arm out to the side, nearly throwing my shoulder out of its own socket, and grab the orange frisbee.

"Nice catch," Cece smiles beside me.

"Thanks," I mumble before flinging the disc over to Lauren.

Of all the girls on the "field" I am of course closest to Cece. She's like some rainbow unicorn I can't escape. Her and her cute little Edge tank top.

"So," she says taking a step closer to me so only I can hear. "Josh is super cute."

I tear my gaze from Alex and Brody, now both running for the frisbee, and stare at Cece.

REALLY? This chick wants to whisper in my ear how hot my current boy toy is? What does she expect, me to share the sentiment? Return the accolade?

Nope. Not gonna happen.

Brooks's arm flexes as he throws the frisbee to Travis and I force my eyes to look five feet over at Josh.

Josh has nice arms too.

"He is." I nod.

"How long have you guys been dating?" Cece asks, tightening her pony.

"About 10 months maybe?" I shrug.

"About the same as us," she says, eyes following Brooks.

"Imagine that."

I hope it doesn't sound too sarcastic. I hope she didn't notice my scrunched nose when glancing at her ring just now.

"I know you guys used to be a thing –I mean, maybe a thing?" Cece says, looking at me like she isn't sure if it's a question or not.

I side stare at her before watching Meg catch Lauren's toss.

Speak, Emmy. Speak!

"And I'm just so thrilled it's not weird. And that you guys are all such good friends still–"

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