Best friend... Explanations... Daddy??

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Ari's POV.....

"Because I asked him to." A familiar voice said. That sounded like-


"Michael" Gabe's mom and I said at the same time. How does she know him.

"What the hell do you have my son doing, Michael?" Ms. B said.

Michael shook his head at mom and said, "Mary calm down. Your son's my-"

"I'm his apprentice!" Gabe shouted.

"You're his what now? Come on Gabe that's a horrible lie. And Mike how do you know Gabe and his mom. You know what everyone have some explaining to do." I said because this is just confusing.

"OK, let me explain-" Mike started.

"Yeah you betters." Mary said cutting Gabe off.

"I'm going to ok, let me answer the easy questions first. So I know y'all are wondering how I seemed to know all of y'all." He began.

"Noo just wondering how you know my mom and my best friend." Gabe mumbled under his breath.

"As I was saying, me and Ari have history. I've known her for years. Uhmm and your mom, well her and my partner has some dealings. And as for Gabe-" Mike was cut off again, this time by Gabe.

"I wanted to find dad. I've been searching for him for 2 years now and I got some news that Mike could help me track him." Gabe said. Well at least it sounds true because Mike is the best tracker I know he could find you anywhere.

Mike looked at Gabe as said, "So I went to his office and asked for his help. In less than a week he found dad alive. But apparently he's stuck in a drug house somewhere. Dad's alive! I was elated, when he told me and I went to look for dad myself. But he stopped and told me he wouldn't let me do this by myself. And he'll help me formulate a plan. I was supposed to go back in a couple of weeks to work out this plan, but I found Rick and decided to help him out so...." Gabe said leaving mike to finish it off.

"So when he told me he was helping Rick out I did some research on him. And I found out that Rick was working for the same drug lord that has his father. So the plan was to help Rick out get close to the drug lord and find his dad." Mike finished off.

"That's why you offered to sort out his bill so quickly. You knew who he was!" I said and Mike nodded his head in approval. Gabe's mom just sat there and didn't say a word, probably soaking all of this in. "That doesn't explain why you let him hit you Gabe." I said it just don't make sense. I get the piece with his dad, but it doesn't explain why he let him hit him.

"You let him hit you! You were suppose to tell me whenever it gets dangerous. Wait imma make a call. He gonna be dead by ten tonight." Mike said already pulling out his phone.

"Already made the call." I said to Mike.

"What!" Gabe shouted.

"Don't get your panties in a knot they're not going to kill him. They're just going to give him a good beating. You should have told me he hit you before I shot him." I told Gabe.

"You shot him! Ari you never seem to surprise me." Mike said while shaking his head.

 "Now Gabe speak. Don't think we forgot, now talk." Mike told Gabe.

"Uhmm well, I actually started to have some feelings towards him and it confused me. I guess I wasn't the only one confused, his brother was too. At first he said he had nobody and his family had all died. Then he finds this boy that claims to be his half brother. Anyways his brother didn't like me and Rick thought I liked him. I had questions about his brother because he was weird." Gabe said. Weird, what do you mean he was weird?

"Uhmm, he'll stand in a corner watch us kiss and stuff. And he'll always get angry anytime Rick tried to have sex with me or that type of talk." He said.

"Ohh, that's weird." I confirmed.

"Anyways his brother told him something and he came to me that day angry and accusing him of cheating. I told how can I cheat on him if we don't go. We ain't no couple. That was when the first knock happened. And honestly I went to kill him, but I remembered that I had to stay in character for dad. So they weren't supposed to know I could kill them if I wanted to. And it went on like that but the thing was before he first hit me I actually started to have deep feelings for him. But his hits didn't hurt and didn't leave much bruises so I just took it." Gabe finished.

"Ohh Gabe my baby!" Gabe's mom exclaimed. "You didn't have to do that for your dad. He's not worth it honey." She said

"What do you mean mom?" Gabe questioned.

"Hun, your dad was involved in drugs. He got addicted and owed the drug lords big money. He didn't get shot trying to save me. He is the one that tried to shot me." She said. What? When did all of this happen?

"What? Mom this can't be true." Gabe said with hopeful eyes. "Mom?"

"Yes, hun it is. He tried to kill me to get my multi million dollar estate. You were young so everything would have went to him." She said. Gabe's rich? I mean I knew they had money, but multi million is a lot.

"We're rich?"

"Yes sweety we're soaked in paper." Gabe's mom laughed.

"Uhmm Mary what was your husbands name? Or what name was he normally called by his "friends" or other druggies" Mike questioned.

"Uhmm, Joe why?" She said

"Joe!" Gabe and I shouted at the same time. Stuff just got real.

"I'm gonna kill him." Gabe said while grabbing my gun off the table and running out of the house.


So how are you guys liking the story so far. So Joe's Gabe's dad aye. Huh this just got messy. So will Gabe shoot his dad or not. So.......



And all that good stuff. See ya until my next update

Pic of Gabe>>>

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