Best friend....Mom....Guns

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Ari's POV...

That Rick guy seemed odd. It was almost as if he was fishing for information. I stayed back to see what he was up to. I hid behind a blue car. Think it was Nissan... I don't really care. I stayed there and watched as he basically banged on Gabe's door. I laughed inwardly because Gabe's mom Mary was not a morning person. And Mary an angry in the morning won't end well for anybody.

The Rick guy kept on knocking on the door until a livid shirtless Gabe answered the door. I was shocked his abs was on full display and his morning friend hadn't went down yet. Ohh this is too funny. I pulled out my phone and said, "Say hi to the camera mini Gabe." I zoomed in for good measure. I didn't get to record Gabe's little friend for long because the door was slammed shut. I laughed because its like seven in the morning and it's Saturday. Everybody knows not mess with Gabe's family on the weekend.

Before I could end the recording this Rick boy opened their door and walked in. I was about to go across the road and follow him in but another boy entered after him. Wait, what are they trying to do. I zoomed the camera in closer and saw a bulged in the back of the second guy's pocket. I knew that bulged all to well.

I immediately called the cops and rushed over to house. I entered quietly and hid behind Gabe's couch. I heard Rick tell the next guy, "Wait somewhere in the house until I give the signal." It was silent for a while then I hear shouting. It sounded like Gabe's voice was mad. Then all of a sudden I heard a gun click. The next boy ran quickly up the stairs after that. Even though I was scared for Gabe, a sinister smile made its way to my face. I pulled out my dearest friend Audrey and said, "Ohh baby, let's blow some brains out." I said while kissing Audrey.

Gabi's POV.....

I saw the tears running down her face. She was sorry for me, but she was more angry that I didn't tell her. Rick tried to punch me but I caught it. Ha that's all he have. I had years of self defense training from a prestigious MMA fighter. I will literally break him without a sweat.

He reached behind him and I heard a gun click. I looked and I saw Mom standing their with Piper.

"Touch my mother f**cking son again, touch him. Please, I just wish you would. I want a nigga try me. So punk try me. And I'll make a nice little imprint in your forehead." She said with the gun now aimed at his head.

Rick seemed scared for a moment. I don't think he's knows about my family's past. Mom is an expert with guns and dad.....well dad is.... I was knocked out of my thoughts when I saw a devious smile Rick's face.

"Oh the boy, thinks I'm joking." Mom said.

"Nope. It is not that ma'am. Its just that if you don't get that gun out my face a nice little imprint is gonna be in the back of your head." He said.

What is he talking abo- I looked up and saw Rick's brother standing there with a gun pressed to the back of my mom's head. "Is y'all serious?"

Rick turned and looked at me and aimed to punch me in the gut, but I stepped back and punch him in the face. "This isn't like those other times when I let you hit me. I could have defended myself but I chose not to. So why don't you guys just leave." I said to Rick and his repulsive brother.

"You little bitc- you know what. You're right this isn't like all those other times. This time my bro's gat a gun pointed to your sexy mother's head. So knock me again and watch what will happen to sexy mama.". He said while grabbing a handful of my mother's hair.

All of a sudden he began kissing my mom's neck and his hand traveled up her shirt. And he was groping her breast. "Your mom gat some nice boobs Gabe. I wonder if she feels better down there." He said as his hands began trailing down to her lower region. I don't what happened to me but I just snapped. I was running towards him in less than a second. But he was quicker than me he had a knife pressed against mom's throat before I could reach them. I stopped in my steps immediately. And he pointed the knife at me and said I thought so. He rest it on the bed beside and continued to fondle my mom. I know he isn't into girls but he's doing it to get on my nerves.

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