Chapter XXIX: Nothin' in the World Can Stop Me Worryin' 'Bout That Man

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Maude's snoring woke me up. 

Sometime early this morning she had returned from the hospital and crashed on the couch. Shaken up by the ordeal, and still recovering from our flu, she had wrapped three blankets around herself and was still shivering. Stale tears clung to her cheeks. 

I quietly put away the things I had so carelessly thrown aside the day before. Empty cans filled the Esky and I threw those out, sticking the Esky by the front door for Brett to pick up later. 

Today was going to be a lazy day.

I chopped a small banana onto a plate and ate it just like that, like when I was a kid. My toast almost went flying out of the toaster and I caught it just in time to spread some avocado onto it. Not a complete breakfast but what can you do? I made sure to save some for Maude in case she wanted any. 

Just like that she woke up, stretched, and scratched her head. "What time is it?" she yawned. 

"Almost noon," I said. "Is Brett okay?"

She nodded yawning again. Her hair was in every direction. "We got to the hospital and they said tonsillitis," she explained. "I knew it, I just knew it! Gave him some kind of syrup and let us stay the night just in case. We left early this morning. Took forever, there were so many people there. But I think he'll be okay." She wiped away the old tears. "You saw my note I left? Ran here as quick as I could to leave it for you."

"I saw it," I said wiping my mouth. 

"What have you been up to?"

"Not much." I reached into my pocket and pulled out her key chain. "Bought this for you."

"Oh, thank you!" She examined it carefully in her hands. "Get one for yourself?"

"Couldn't find my name. Figures." I pulled out Angus' key chain. "But I bought this for Angus." Maude squinted at it. 

"Lovely. Maybe he'll play it at their next show. Oh! By the way. On the way back from the hospital I bought us concert tickets. There's an American band playing here in a couple of weeks and I thought we could see a gig before we went home."

"That sounds good," I said, disappointed I wouldn't be seeing playing instead. "Are they any good?" Maude grinned and shrugged. 

"Guess we'll find out!"


After our brunch we sat around again planning our next visit to the studio. This would be one of our last chances to see the boys before they left. And possibly my last chance to tell Angus how I felt about him. Maybe he didn't feel the same, but....I had to try. 

What's the worst he could say?


I didn't want to think about that.

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