Chapter IX: Hello There (So Good to See You)

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A cool breeze brushed its hand across my cheek. Fluttering birds twittered and hopped under the tables in search of crumbs dropped in a hurry. Above the cafe door hung a bell alerting anyone inside of visitors. Coffee and tea splashed into cups while ice clinked in water glasses. Warm fresh bread and butter floated on trays. 

My stomach roared its promise of vengeance. 

And I blushed like a fucking carrot.

I also almost choked on my sandwich in laughter. Maude gave me a side eye and smiled. "Hungry, are we?"

"Starving," I replied. The medicine I took for the plane ride replaced my motion sickness with hunger. I dug into my spinach and tomato sandwich and washed it down with a few sips of Earl Grey. Maude had ordered poached eggs on toast with a cup of English brekkie. Had it not been for my sensitive stomach I would have ordered seconds. 

"We've got to go shopping soon, or a museum or something," Maude said wiping her lips with a napkin. Brett dropped us off at the cafe and took the limo back. He had to leave to meet up with his band for a project they're working on, giving Maude one last peck before he drove off. 

Maybe a pair of lips on mine wouldn't be so bad....if mozzarella cheese didn't taste so much better. 

"Anyway I've been itching to know how you've been! Everything alright? At home? Work?" I fiddled with my napkin and shrugged. 

"I'm fine," I replied simply. "Same as always, I suppose. But I'm managing." Maude observed me over her cup of tea. "Work is fine, I've been getting paid more for the dogs."

"That's good! I've been lucky enough to sell a few paintings recently, it's really been helping with rent. Playing at the coffee house helps too."

Did I mention my friend is not only a brilliant artist, but an amazing guitarist too? I couldn't be more proud of her. 

I took another bite before my brain could shove any insecurities in my face. "Did you bring your guitar?"

"Nah, I couldn't bear it if something happened to it on the trip. Brett's letting me borrow one from their studio so we can jam together." A waitress came by slipping a cheque in front of Maude. "Oh, thank you," she said with a smile. "Anyway, you should drop by sometime! I'm sure Brett wouldn't mind having you over for a cuppa or so."

I noticed the wad of cash she pulled out of her purse. I started pulling my own money out. I managed to trade it out resulting in a much smaller amount than hers. But it could be spared for a light lunch. "I can pay for mine."

"It's no trouble," she said watching me count out my total. "If you insist."

After paying we sat there a while sipping the remainder of our tea. More sunshine appeared as the day wore on and I started to feel the jet lag. I was yawning nonstop. 

Maude's attention was focused somewhere behind me. If I hadn't been so sleepy I probably would have noticed her squinting in concentration, or her eyes widening in recognition. She pointed a finger in that general direction. "You know, it's the funniest thing," she said keeping her voice low. "I could swear that's Angus Young from AC/DC..."

I perked up. No, I must have heard wrong. Surely. My mind was playing tricks on me. It was the tea that did it. 

"Hm?" I asked sitting up straighter. 

"That little man, right there...." she said pointing to a spot behind me. I carefully turned around trying not to be obvious. Several paces away from us was a man standing by a bicycle rack. With a cigarette hanging from his mouth he was laughing at something his company said and looked down at his shoes. 

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