Chapter 6: Who kill Who

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Aziz blend in into Jerman fortification and Aziz amaze by their trench it not like Bretanica trench everything is organize and actually offer some comfort and Aziz learn actually Jerman tactics for war basically just defensive and unlike Bretanica and Ferenc who actually go full offensive mostly explain why casualties for The Oversear faction were high compare to National Power

"Soldier where you being? You seem off hmmm are you from colony private?" Ask Jerman officer when they noticed Aziz

"Yes sir I'm from one of Jerman colony" answer Aziz hopefully his disguise not being blow after all he here not for espionage reason he here because he needs get back to Bretanica troop

"I see soldier well don't worry we here more tolerance compare those Bretanica scum" said the soldier

Suddenly someone who flying in the sky land inside the trench he obviously Kuasa user but Aziz recognize him he the one who drom the grenade inside the trench earlier

"Sir i already neutralize their artillery that should stop them shelling us for a while" said the soldier that can fly and after that the officer let him and Aziz ask about him and officer admit the man is Kuasa user basically he were being bless however he can flying since he were 4 the power awakening inside him early and officer admit he also don't understand how all this work honestly about this Kuasa and stuff and the officer add

"You know how we can make Kuasa user serve for government sometimes they volunteer like that guy or something they refuse to use their power for killing" said the officer

"So what happened to people refuse?" Ask Aziz

"They being beat up until they submit there lot of experiment happened against to you know so call being bless some of them consider they actually being curse and lot of terrible thing happened to them especially to make them submit to people who actual hold power people with authority after all no one want to see they rebel so yeah" said the officer

"That cruel to be honest why you told me?" Said Aziz

"It doesn't matter after all you here and your chance to die is high here and yeah mostly all i told you that it true and actually a top secret heh" office replied and he pat Aziz shoulder and walk away

Now it up Aziz how he gonna get back to Bretanica troop but what thr Jerman officer told him were terrifying aspect since now he also one of them so call bless people

Aziz look up from the trench and see Bretanica side and Aziz actually look at Jerman troop and decided to do something crazy after all it doesn't matter he die or not no one gonna mourn him anyway and Aziz jump off the Trench and started running towards Bretanica side one of Jerman soldier notice and shout that i maybe Bretanica spy and try to shoot using it rifle and without a thought Aziz use his power finally it actually useful and it protect Aziz back the Kuasa that Aziz got help him and form defensive armour on Aziz back and after that Aziz manage to run back to Bretanica side and when he got near one of Bretanica soldier want to shoot Aziz thinking he was Jerman until one officer recognize Aziz and order them to not shoot their weapon on Aziz and Aziz manage get back to Bretanica trench and one of his officer ask Aziz

"How the hell you end up there?" Ask the Officer

"It long story sir" replied Aziz he want to continue his word and suddenly swoop Aziz being pick up by the flying man Aziz didn't even thought the fly Jerman guy were that fast and he throw Hafiz to ground after he get enough height

Aziz fell fron the sky and think this probably his end but with clever maneuver Aziz use his power by bring out the tendrils from his hand and move to the flying man and grab him and Aziz using the absorb back the tendrils make Aziz get near to flying man

"So you really like me after all huh i know it when i first time seeing you talking to my officer heh" said Flying man

"You right we both curse" said Aziz

To be continue

Well this kind of crap

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