Chapter 4: Back to action

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Aziz repairing barb wire around the trench and after he done he reported it to his officer now Aziz get to rest and hope general in charge of his division not send him again to 'dead land' so soon

Aziz look from his trench to enemy trench and thinking to himself if he injured himself he can get back to safe place Aziz smirk and walk around the trench


Aziz being punch by one of soldier since after all Aziz refuse to do what they said the soldier are new recruit and after all they feel they more superior than Aziz they are Bretanica people unlike just came from colony that serve the army Aziz decided to let it slide it useless to fight back anyway and it end up horrible other colony troop like Aziz not like it those people push Aziz around

End up one of officer shoot at the sky to dismissed the situation and order everyone to get back on duty

Aziz look up and noticed
"Is that people flying at sky?"

"Where?" Ask the officer

There people flying in sky and he drop grenade inside the trench

"Everyone! Get on spot attack is coming!" Said officer and noise of people get ready some people panic and noise of bell told everyone to get ready the flying man fly away and after that

Bam! The trench being hit by artillery shell and Aziz near get hit and everybody started panic and there people dying and people get inside defensive get inside the trench safe place

While the trench being raining by artillery shell until it suddenly stop

"Are they stop?" Ask the new recruit Aziz know what gonna happen next this is not first time he get in this position

Suddenly they being hit by artillery again and officer ask them to get out from safe place it gonna fell because heavy of artillery shell and officer shout to get ready being hit by infantry of Jerman

All troop get ready and some people look out from the trench and they coming and people shooting machine gun on the Jerman infantry but they seem lot people and they not stop coming

To slow down the Jerman one officer other some troop to get out the trench and fight the Jerman and Aziz one of them they choose to fight at 'Dead Land'

People get to ladder and whistles being blow and large amount of troop get out from the trench and charge towards Jerman 

Some of new recruit face horror they not expect this at all and Aziz smirk when one of soldier they pick on him early get burn by flamethrower of the Jerman

Aziz after that being hit by one of Jerman shovel straight to face luckily the shovel he got flat into face not the edge and Aziz nose bleed and the Jerman soldier jump into Aziz and try to kill Aziz luckily Aziz kick the soldier in the crotch suddenly Aziz keep running and running he didn't want to fight he running straight to Jerman trench when he get there Jerman soldier that still on their trench shoot their rifle but they not many since other fighting on 'dead land' killing each other Aziz manage to evade the shoot and he jump inside the trench and shoot his rifle on the soldier Aziz tired after lot of running Aziz get up and running from opposite side from the 'Dead Land' he didn't want to fight

"Fuck what I'm doing am i deserted now?" Aziz look behind and he run and run away until he stumbled some house

"Yeah this place this Jerman occupation zone of Ferenc heh look like Jerman not destroy that house heh?"

Aziz look around there no one and he break into the house and hoping if he find some food and yeah he find it

Aziz look at table and consume the food it being a while Aziz taste actual food than whatever army feed him and he eat the food it something what people call here call sausage and he like it actually

Aziz drink the water and eat like animal like he never eat before but Aziz look at beside him after he hear door cracking open there one person look at Aziz and Aziz started freak and try to grab his rifle just to being charge by the man and the rifle fly through the room and Aziz and the man had the fight until the man hold Aziz and Aziz trying to get away but failed Aziz started feeling dizzy and he didn't want to pass out and he draw his knife and try to stab the man but strange Aziz feel something hold the knife but Aziz can't see it but the man arm both of them still choking Aziz and suddenly

"Papa?" A child walk into the room and the knife straight get into the man neck and it started getting bloody and the man pass out and Aziz stand up and look at the child

"Calm down kid this unlike you saw" said Aziz to calm the kid

The kid grab Aziz Rifle and aim to Aziz and Aziz trying to told the kid to back off and hand the rifle back



Aziz get out from the house with both his hand bloody and he being shot in his stomach and Aziz walk back the actual place he should be and he get back to his trench but he thinks how to bypass the Jerman that not a question now he needs a treatment now

Aziz walk and walk and he arrive to Jerman Trench one of soldier notice him and aim the rifle on Aziz but his friend order the soldier to lower his rifle after saw Aziz injury and Aziz try to walk more and he pass out

To be continued

Lmao i actually back to this
Hope you guys enjoy this

And if you guy wanted to gave me some idea

Just give it to me okay?

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