Chapter 2: Walk Fast

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In year of 2006 the world has turn into another war but this war is different

The world never saw this kind of war

Old tactics don't work

The horse suddenly becaming useless in this war

'War is adventure' slogan also dead because this war

People call it the Great War the size of war is tremendous and the casualties were insane

The war were fought by nation call Great Power there are 2 faction of this war

The Oversear
-And few minor power nation and their colony


National Power
-And a minor power nation and their colony

The war were extend around the war attacking each colony and of course the Europe continent itself also screw with saw of 300,000 casualties of soldier and a million casualties of civilian in just 3 month of war


Aziz open his eye and saw medic take care of him


Aziz spoke up and medic gave him water

"Well you lucky enough to survive colony boy and the good part you not badly injured that miracle to be honest to be send out to 'Dead Land' and came back not only alive but also in one piece without any injury'
The medic speak and he seem friendly

"Well let say I'm lucky boy"
Aziz try to sit and continue to speak
"Well you nice guy to be honest never thought people like you gonna heal me to keep me alive after all you guys like what see yourself superior to people like me who from colony and not from Europe it self"

The medic spoke
"Human life is human life all they equal but of course you didn't need to worry i heard people treating you badly around here since you from colony don't worry about them they same new blood on this damn war like you gave them 2 week if they still alive they probably gonna change their philosophy after all we here just same to die just that.... Anyway my name is John, you?"

Aziz replied
"Aziz nice to know you john"
He offer hand to shake and John shake his hand


Skip to nighttime John tell army officer that Aziz still in injury and can't do any duty even patrol so the officer just let Aziz rest

"Well you can rest before you knew be push into half dead"
Said John

Aziz replied
"Well at least i can take this rest that for sure if this trench actually got a good place to sleep instead this damn dirt"

John laugh
"Well at least you got lucky to get a damn rest what you expect by joining this war in first place for what honestly? You didn't get anything good from it to said money well it not paid well honestly so actually why you join the army?"

Aziz frown from the question he didn't amuse by he answer the question
"I didn't had anything to lose just that searching for purpose maybe"

John replied
"Didn't you feel bad? Did it feel like you betray your own people by joining the same group that oppress your people?"

Aziz look at John and said
"I don't care about them i didn't care about my own people my race i don't care! What they do to me just disgrace they hate me and my father for what my father betray them when my father help Bretanica police to stop their uprising against Bretanica"

Aziz continue after manage catch his breath
"My father betray them so me can live i actually suffer from illness when i was born but traditional medicine didn't do any good on me so to gain access your people medicine my father help Bretanica to betray their own people so they can treat me"

John look at Aziz
"Your backstory were rough buddy"

"Well John nothing to said but now my father die after after Jerman bomb my city and my father die and after I'm here" said Aziz

John replied
"Do you had any other family?"

Aziz answer
"nope they all dead my mother die at my childbirth and actually i had twin sister but i said i got illness so same she is but the doctor only manage to save me that what my father told me"

John look at Aziz disbelief and put his hand on Aziz shoulder
"You strong buddy well that hell of life but you strong enough to get into here and yet still alive anyway how old are you to be honest you seem young"

Aziz look at John and smile
"Well thank you and my age is 15"

John look at Aziz before look at his hehind and look back it Aziz
"15 what?!!!!! You just a child!!!!"

Aziz replied
"Yeah I'm 15 why?"

John look freak out
"How they got this desperate to uhhhhgggghh!....... Well let say they send a child to war that mess up and second of course you didn't had any guardian soo basically in your age you just can just join army without any consent from parent unlike other"

Aziz look at John and smirk and put cigarette in his mouth before John take away Aziz cigarette

"This thing not for minor"

Aziz look at John

"Come on i know I'm orphan you don't need to be my parent now gave it back!" Aziz said angrily and try to take back his cigarette but John were way taller than Aziz basically John to put his hand up and Aziz can't do nothing now he really look like child


That chapter 2
I'm gonna continue this crappy story for you

Hope you enjoying and well if you guys said why my story lack visual it because i didn't know how to draw or do that stuff

What i know write a crappy story that all thank you!

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