Black Coffee

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"and he bump into and turn around to face me and immediately bend down begging for his life and crying" Kane said laughing hysterically

"he really did that" Twilight too laugh at the fantasy event.

the two laugh together as they have coffee outside at the shop in the busy street of their city, they talk about each other lives, like for an example she went to pinkie's home to see if Pinkie was okay only for her to get pied in face during the antics of her friend. They talked about Kane's armor reactions at the L.A.I.R. event and how it felt spending time with Auggie.

Each with a warm drink and a plate full of baked goodies, Kane spoke up, "I heard you say the other girl's name was rainbow dash, right." Not a question, since Kane has heard of the school's sports icon but never thought he'd ever meet her.

Twilight with a sigh, "Yes that is her name all right." It seems she did not enjoy the talk with Dash.

Kane continued, "So what did you and Dash talk about." Twilight did give a small smile after hearing Kane use Rainbow Dash's nickname.

Twilight said, "She was being stubborn as usual saying you're dangerous and all the things that make you scary."

Kane was afraid that maybe Twilight was having doubts and quickly countered that rumor, "No. I try to be a good person, I just defended Auggie." Hoping that maybe she will pick him over the rest of her friends, as selfish as that may be.

Twilight smiled again, "I know, I saw everything. I'm happy you defended him, but Kane you don't have to prove anything. People will always talk, it is what you do that matters. And what's better than protecting others."

Kane bursting with happiness could only say one thing, "Thank you." As the conversation died down, Twilight grabbed one of the many books that she carried with her. She would be lying if she said that she did not enjoy how easy it is to spend time with Kane. Usually her friends wanted to talk all the time. Twilight truly did enjoy all the conversations and adventures she had with her friends, but there are times she wants to do what she loves without getting constantly interrupted. But with Kane, she didn't have to worry about that. Kane was happy to have some company and just enjoyed watching the day go by with her.

Twilight sneaked a peek at Kane. He was looking through the Cafe's large decorative window watching the hustle and bustle of the café workers. Nibbling on what had to be his sixth cookie, Twilight made sure to remember his sweet tooth so she could make him some cookies as a surprised gift. It did make her sad that people can't seem to give him a chance, and while it is true he has quite the temper. No one should feel unwanted. Twilight quickly turned to her book as Kane turned to look at her. As silly as it sounds she didn't want him to think she was staring.

Time passed as Twilight continued to read. Kane had ordered a second helping of hot chocolate with a shot of espresso for him to drink. He didn't mind coffee, in fact he usually preferred it black as possible with some cream. He was just so happy to spend time with his friend that he wanted something sweet to celebrate.

They were having a fun time until it occurred to him "How did you meet all your friends..." Twilight stop mid reading and look up at Kane. "sorry, I'm just curious, forget what I-"

"no no it's okay I'm just surprised that's all" the two share silencing as they sit " replied Twilight, "well it not how I met them it where I met and it's all start last summer..."


The sun was shining as it danced through the forest towards a lake. It was the first day of summer being in full bloom. The light could be seen shimmering over the water where on the other side of the lake a group of deer were jumping and prancing around. The swift movement of the deer startled a swarm of birds as they few through the forest towards a campground right by the lake. The camp was made up of a collection of cabins with a bonfire area in the middle so that there was a central location to meet. This campground was Everfree Camp. The camp had been around for several generations of campers. It holds a special place in all the families who have gone through the camp. It is where new friendships would start.

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