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The alarm blared the following morning. Kane woke up with a start, in a daze he looked at the ceiling as he realized he had fallen over the bed last night. Still, on the floor, he sits up as he recalls the strange feeling. Looking at the alarm he sees that he is cutting it close to the time the bus stops at his house, getting up he hurries to put his clothes on. It's typical for the school bus to arrive at 6:58 a.m. Kane thought as he rushed to get ready. Kane's dad loudly says, "It's time for school" as soon as Kane leaves his room. Kane rushed down the stairs.

Passing by the kitchen Kane's mom stopped him, "Dear want a quick bite to eat? I got some peanut butter toast for you."

"No thanks, I'm good." Kane grabbed his backpack as he said goodbye to his parents. Kane rushed toward the bus stop as the bus was pulling up. Without looking around he headed straight to the back to sit next to Twilight. "Hi Twilight!", Kane said while breathing heavily.

Twilight looked up from the book she was reading with a faint smile, "Hi Kane, I see that you made it on time," She said with a giggle. Kane slumped from exhaustion, wondering to himself why he was so tired early in the day.

The school bus arrived at the school at 7:45 a.m, when Kane entered the school everyone stared at him for a few moments. 'Strange' thought Kane, 'usually people don't get like that until I am near them. Kane started to walk through the hallway and everybody got back to their business. During the science trip Kane learned that Twilight only shared one class with him, Kane waved goodbye to Twilight with the promise to meet up at lunch.

As he watched Twilight walk away, Kane took a calming breath to get his feelings under control. He wanted to stay out of class for as long as possible, as the hall emptied Kane saw someone who stuck out like a sore thumb. What he saw was what looked like a shy girl. She was only a little bit shorter than Kane. Her hair went all the way down her back and was colored a soft shade of pink. She wore a simple light-green skirt that had butterflies stitched into it and a white top. Not only that caught Kane's attention but also the almost knee-high boots, which were the same color as her skirt, that she wore.

Surprisingly for a girl who was acting so shy, she dressed in bright colors. He felt a voice inside his head wrap around his mind as he stood stuck staring at the girl. The girl shuffled nervously and scared, as she looked down on a sheet of paper in her hand. Looking around the girl found Kane staring and froze. She violently shook, petrified by Kane's blood-red eyes. Eyes that she was told to stay far away from. Red eyes that were now surrounded by a green and purple hue.

Kane didn't know what to do, but something inside of him wanted to get to know the girl, she just seemed so nice. The voice told him so. Kane was staring, the girl saw him staring, and under his gaze, she shrank into herself. Quickly, the girl looked back down at the paper in her trembling hand, hoping he would just walk by.

The voice spoke sweetly in Kane's mind, 'Go' it whispered. As the red in his eyes shrank into his iris, the green hue surrounded his sclera as a purple hue filled his pupil. All that was left of his brilliant red eyes was locked up by the foreign colors. 'Go and catch this shy butterfly' whispered the voice.

As Kane is pushed to her he asks, "Are you looking for something?" She jumped slightly in surprise as she jittered when looking up at him.

"Yes, I am looking..." She said before pausing, "Why are you sweating so much?" The shy girl became further distressed. 'What was I thinking' thought the shy girl. She clenches her eyes and hopes that Kane decides to continue walking after hearing her rude remark.

Caught off guard the zoned-out Kane blurted out, "Uh, it's a puberty thing." The voice in his head chuckled as it relaxed, though it still held onto Kane's body. "I mean I have already gone through puberty done now?" Kane finished lamely.

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