Unknown Chaos

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"Bruce!" Clark yelled at the man who was being strangled by an entity made out of blue.

The entire Justice league and I mean the entire which includes both the core members and the temporary members were either broken or heavily injured or worse dead.

Wonder Woman had her shield broken into pieces as her sword was still in her grasp but her arms which grasp the sword was no longer attached to her shoulder. She laid unmoving with her eyes lids tightly shut... Unconscious.

The flash case was even worse as both of his legs were ripped off from the knee section with his bones clearly visible. He had long passed out from the pain.

Cyborg's head laid on the ground while his body remained still in an unwavering manner. Dead.

Martian man-hunter had both of his eyes plucked out leaving an empty socket as he wailed in agony while clutching on his head in pain from the mental backlash.

Hal Jordan had his arm with the power ring attached ripped off and his legs twisted in an awkward manner as he laid unconscious on the cold ground in his own pool of blood.

Shazam who had a jacked up physique now looked like a 97 year old man as he struggles to take in air.

Black Canary and green arrow are nowhere to be seen. Only their costume which was scrambled on the floor proves that they were present.

Superman had his entire suit's torso ripped off, and his pitiful state to be seen as he was lean and struggled to stand on his two feet as he approached the entity made out of blue.

"S-Sorry Cl-Clark" was all that left his lips before his neck was snapped like a twig in the hands of the blue entity before turning into ash as his diminishing life force was absorbed by the entity.

"WHY!!!" Clark yelled as he weakly drops to his feet.

"W-Why" he falls to the ground, unable to hang on to his remaining thread of life.

*crack* *crack*

A figure clad in white energy slowly descended from the crack in the sky as he approached the world or rather what's left of the world.

"Looks like I finally got your attention" for the first time the blue entity spoke as his voice no longer sounded recognizable as it sounded like over a hundred people speaking in unison.

"Why did you do this much to seek my presence?" The white figure spoke in a calm tone as his voice sounded like the calm ocean reflecting the illumining rays of the moon as the gentle northern breeze dances around it. Funny hearing 'The Presence' making a pun.

"I need you dead" was all the blue entity said before he stretched out his arms as a sword came flying into his outstretched arm.

A very familiar sword.

... Overkill, carved from the very blood of the god of doom and destruction. As it's recognizes it's owner. The new god of doom and destruction-


"Haaa!" I jumped up from my bed with a burn in my eyes as I couldn't help but glance at my surrounding.

This looks nothing like what I recall!

The last thing I remembered is that the sky broke and me touching that water.


The metal doors slide open to reveal a man donned in a tight fitted red blue spandex and the huge ass 's' in his broad chest alongside another man who was clad in a famous bat costume with his utility belt and a bat symbol on his broad chest.

Of course, I've been kidnapped by a bunch of super weirdos. Just great.

Hehehe, maybe I should mess with them a bit.

"You know you almost had me their, got me thinking if you were the real deal for a few seconds. But I tell you this, Jimmy Cork is a fucking lunatic for hiring a bunch of fuckers to kidnap me in revenge for fucking his mum alongside his wife and little sisters. He's such a simp!" My mouth seemed to have developed a conscience as I absolutely did not say that.

"Johnny Bloodsport, could you tell us why you were sunbathing in the middle of nowhere in the restricted area in Hon-kong?" The man in bat suit seemed to have a deep malice with either me or his mail guy. And I have a feeling it's the latter.

"Would you believe me if I said I was lost?"



Well not being believed hurts, you know!

"Then I uphold my right as an American citizen to my right to speech except this time with my mouth closed" I said firmly while avoiding eye contact with a guy who had an IQ higher than Einstein himself or the alien who flies, shoots lasers, plenty strong, has daddy issues and an open orphan.

"*sigh* I expect answers in the next 3 hours. Use it to recount the event that had occurred" with that he power walked his way out if the room with a clearly confused Clark closely behind him.

"Haaaa!" I exhaled as I flopped down on the bed with my arms on the back of my head.

"What was that dream again? I feel like it's important"


Far away on an isolated island which was full of women stood a familiar lady. Princess Diana, Wonder Woman as she kneeled in respect to the Queen of Themyscria, Queen Hippolyta. Her mother.

"WHAT!!!" Hippolyta yelled as she shot up on her feet before her prostrating daughter. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN A GOD HAS DESCENDED! THE PROPHECY IS A LIE! IT HAS TO BE! IT SHOULD BE! NO! IT MUST BE!" She walks in circles while shouting her brains off.

"Diana! Inform your fellow sisters... We may have to prepare for war"

"Yes Queen mother"


Over at the Titans tower, a certain raven haired girl could be seen meditating her spells.

"... Death lurks the earth" she heard the devil's whisper in her ears.

"Shut it father!" She breaks concentration as she clutches her head for resistance.

"... It's time to strike is near"


"... You should free me to get rid of the threat daughter!!"

"Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!" She clutches her head in pain from the mental attack.


Deep underneath the ocean lived a civilization called Atlantis ruled by it's famous ruler... Author Curry, the direct bloodline of the god of the seas.

He is currently in his throne dozing off before his rod began vibrating wildly.



"I'm telling you [insert Dr fate incarnation name], that book is nothing but lies as it speaks of something that's not going to happen" A thick English accented man complains to a male who had a golden helmet by his side as he stares into open space.

"Fate works differently and mysteriously. We can't alter our fate, but we can direct it. Allow fate to play how it wants with that prophecy, then my friend... I've said too much Constantine."

"Fucking bullocks!"


"So this is what father's always afraid of. The descent of an inhuman entity. A non mortal. A scary entity. He doesn't want me to be in his harem!" Zatana yells with enlightenment gleaming from her eyes as she was entranced by the thick book in her hands.


A/n; haha! You feeling me? Till next time folks!

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: May 14 ⏰

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