Hunk of a man

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Call me Daddy POV

*sigh* I am currently in a faceoff with a 5'8 male who had muscles that made body builders look nothing more that babies. And to top it off, he was naked.

"Human, I have been watching you closely for a long time" he said as I cringed till thy kingdom come.

"I must admit, you are strong but I shall not overlook the death of my two beloved daughters." And the father of the year awards goes to *drumrolls* THIS GUY!



I blinked to his side to deliver a heavy hook to his ribs, as he bursts through walls, smashing anything in his way before coming to a halt on his pool of black blood.

"I don't give a fuck" I turn backwards towards the stairs but suddenly paused with a slow 180 turn, the downed body twitched with vigour as its muscles began to visibly expand, the bones stretched, as his twitching sent violent tremors through the entire building. The body suddenly stops.

"I have a feeling that if I sighed in this situation, then things might get bloody."


"*sigh* what a close call"


The body suddenly sprang up to its feet, revealing a 10 feet tall hunk of a monster, with a bulky physique that might put a certain Doctor to shame.


It's rotting flesh dropped piece by piece, revealing its pearl white bones.

Oh! And let's not forget the yellow teeth which resembles that of a wild hyena, as I stop for a moment to dwell on experience in a crazy blonde's pussy.

Due to me not focusing on the obvious fight that's gonna take a whole chapter or two of the book, I couldn't see the fist that arrived at the side of my face. But I surly felt it.


And that hurts a lot.


I was sent through the building, then through another, then another, till the fourth, leaving human shaped holes through the ends of the buildings.

"Raaaahhhh!!!!" A beastly roar rang throughout the entire street- scratch that! The Entire Country!

"Urgh!" I groggily stood up as my deformed face had healed in the span of 5 seconds. That is to show you the strength behind such blow.

"But thanks for the power up!" I clenched my fist as I felt my muscles stretch a bit, becoming more defined and denser.

Activating my rocket boosters, I blast upwards from my position while nonchalantly smashing through the roofs with a smirk on my face.

"Its all on Waller's tab!" I burst through the top floor straight into the sky before halting.


My helmet suddenly materialized as I sensed for the heat signatures of the bastard.

"Gotcha. Saki[short for sakura], increase rocket's output by 40%"


I burst through the air straight to the monster's location. Or shall I say, "the king of zombies"



Upon reaching his location, mid flight, I deliver a spinning heel kick which sends his body head first into the ground, as I stylishly landed with a flip.


He growls as he picks up himself from the ground while locking his gaze at me.



He struck his fist as soon as I got in his range, but I dropped on the wet ground, skidding any from harm. Only to see a massive feet (probably size 44- 46... Ha! Just kidding, fucker's size should be 89, 90) stomp my direction.


The ground cracked upon contact, but luckily, I rolled out of the way as I quickly delivered a Russian leg sweep, which made him lose his footing, as he slowly falls to the ground, only for him to receive a drop kick to his face which sent him skidding a few meters away from me. But he won't stay down as he is still up.

Stylishly, I sprung up to my feet, and tackle the monster through the window, sending us hurdling from the highest floor of a 69 story, straight to the ground with a splat!

*splat!* "see!"

Two massive craters were formed as I performed a kick up, bouncing a little on my feet like a professional boxer.


The monster stands on all fours with his hairy semierect dick dangling in silence.

"Raaaahhh!" He blitz my direction on all fours as I took a stand with my dominant behind my left foot, my fist clenched so tightly as I could see my veins through the suit.

"Raaahh!" He gets into range as he lunges himself at me with his left fist drawn back to a dangerous degree as I respond as my right fist a few inches away from my head. Time seemed to slow down for some dramatic effect.


Our fist connects as it produced a shockwave that blasts anything within 30foot radius from us as buildings were destroyed, trees were ripped from the ground and tossed over to the other side of the street.

The force from the punch sent me skidding backwards a few meters, as he was sent back a few steps.


My muscles once again increased in size as I couldn't help but feel my suit getting a little tight. A grin came to my face as soon as I felt the increase.


Two clones appeared by my side whom I shall identify as 'D' and 'T' respectively.

The monster only growl as it saw it's enemy increase by two.

'D' blast forward, as I and 'T' followed closely behind him.

"Rah!" The monster punched forward at 'D' who sides under the punch, with a roll, then struck hard!

*crunch!* oooh, cock-shot!

"Urrgghh!!" It wailed as it fell on one knee with its hands clutching his precious.


Due to the pain, he wasn't able to see the attack leaving him vulnerable to the knee straight to the jaw by 'T'

*crunch!* it's jaw shattered upon contact with the attack as he tried find his balance, therefore puts his second knee on the ground.

*click* *BANG!*

And that was the last thing he heard before his world went dark.


"Fucker took my screen time" I couldn't help but grumble as I strapped my gun back into its holsters.


'D' and 'T' went poof as I stare at the carcass of the zombie King? Tch! Yeah right! This fucker is nothing but the last son of THE ZOMBIE KING.

"Creator, there is an unusual energy reading from the south of this point, exactly 500 meters from here" Sakura says to me as I couldn't help but stare south.

"That's east" oh right. I turn to the south.

"That's North"

*blank stare*

"South is your rear"

"Couldn't you have said something" I grumbled as I headed SOUTH!

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