Taking a break *NOT A CHAPTER*

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Hi everyone,

I'm putting this to say that I'm taking a break from uploading. I have been writing this story for more 2 months, and everyday my routine looks like coming back home from school, and it's just reading and writing.

Constantly reading and writing.

I want to write this story, I really want to but I need some time to think and plan out the chapters. I want to put some effort into this story. So I'm going to take a break and just write without uploading the chapters for now. At least until I'm happy with them, especially plot point chapters.

It's difficult coming back from school at 3pm and having little to no time to myself. I'm just witting from 4-8pm. That's how long it takes me to even start writing one chapter.

I'm also reading a lot of other stories and I'm working on a lot of projects right now.

I want to focus on one thing. So I can put effort into them individually. I want to look back at this story in the near or far future and feel somewhat proud of myself.

So I'm taking a break, I know my characters aren't going to be happy about this.

I feel awful, especially about Mads and West, my babies, but they are going to have to wait a while before continuing their story.

I want to give my characters what they deserve in the plot bc sometimes I feel like I'm writing the story and the characters are yelling at me for making such a shitty chapter.

It's also crazy how I've been working on this story for more then two months yet in the story itself it's only been about 5 days.


And at this pace this story is no where near done like no where near where I want it to be.

To plan and give the characters what they deserve for being my very reliable people *cough* Jake *cough*

Yea very reliable and sensible.

Also I'm still figuring out the characters myself.

So I'm taking a break.

Hopefully it won't be to long, but yea.

I'll keep updating on what I'm doing with the story though, so you will know where I'm at.


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