Comforting & Movie Night (Chapter 5)

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West walked in, keeping his head down. Internally I felt like screaming, crazy I've never felt this way, I'd always want to punch him and here I was thinking of doing the complete opposite.

Kaleb West walked in with the most terrible state I've seen him in.

Blood pouring down on his knuckles, his eyes were swelling like he had cried hours before coming here. His wavy brown hair sat like a mop on his head, he was wearing black sweatpants and a grey shirt, which also was covered in dirt and blood.

I couldn't help but look around the room to see that I wasn't the only one feeling overwhelmed. Lia and Em looked like they were about to cry or more so emotionless. Jake looked at West with an unreadable expression on his face. And Cole? Well, he was pale looking like he'd just seen a naked grandpa.

West walked in slowly, his fists clenched so heard that they were pale white. Cole wasn't lying when he said that West had been through it.

"What the actual bloody hell man?" Cole spat at West. "What happened?" he said getting up.

West looked over to Cole his lips parted slightly like he was going to say something. He looked, awful. Then his gaze carefully moved over to me.

He scrunched his eyebrows and let out a sigh.

I got up. Walked over to him, I know this isn't what I would normally do but looking at him like this was making me feel nauseous. Lia, Em and Jake also got up, asking him questions of what had happened, which I'm pretty sure he wasn't appreciating.

"I'm fine, just leave me alone." West spoke, more so mumbled.

We all looked at each other in pure confusion when West started walking up the stairs, I was guessing he was either going to the bathroom or my room. He had just walked into the house and he already disappeared upstairs.

He had stayed over at my house enough times to the point where I literally had his clothes and some of his stuff in my room and closet. It was just hoodies and some sweatpants. I hated it when he was in my room, more of the fact that I literally had a part of my closet that was his. 

But this time, I didn't stop him from going upstairs. Normally, I would have kicked his ass and swore at him for going in my room, but this time it was different, I just let him walk up. Which I guess he appreciated because halfway up the stairs he looked back and gave me a faint smile. It wasn't his real smile, which honestly I've never seen his real smile, but it was enough to let the corners of his mouth turn up.


'What do you think happened?'

'Should we check on him?'

'Does someone else know?'

'Maybe we should leave him alone.'

All these questions were being thrown out as West was still upstairs. It had been at least 30 minutes, and we were debating whether or not we should go up and check on him.

Though I hated him, seeing him like this was making me worry. The others kept insisting we go check on him, but I know him well enough to know he would want to be left alone. 

Believe it or not when we were younger, anytime he would be upset or angry I would have to be the one checking on him. It wasn't really comforting, more so of going up to him and letting him just ramble about what had happened. 

It was terrifying believe me, I would always stand at a distance though, just in case he'd burst of anger.

Sometimes he'd even take out the anger on me, he didn't hurt me physically though. That's never happened, it was usually he would yell at me for whatever reason he was mad.

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