The Balcony Encounter (Chapter 6)

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It was around 7pm when we finished watching the movie.

And that was probably our best movie night yet, obviously excluding the drama and Lia's screams, but it felt like old times again.

The doorbell rang, and Cole got up to go answer it since it was probably the pizza.

"Who's ready for some p-p-p-pizza" Cole cheers.

"Finally I was starting to starve." Jake spoke.

"Your the one who timed it to be here at this time." Cole deadpanned

"Oh shut up, give me I'm hungry." Jake snatched the garlic bread out of Cole's hand, which he rolled his eyes to.

Cole put down the pizza on the table in front of us. We all grabbed a slice and started eating.

The asshole Jake stopped at another horror movie and turned his head back to look at us.

Cole raised his eyebrow, and I guess that was enough to make Jake play the movie.

'The Exorcist'

This time I was really going to shit myself.

Again we all sat there in silence as the movie started playing. Everyone was comfortable, on the floor with blankets and pillows draped over us.

I turned my head to the single couch, and West was sitting there looking anything but relaxed. His eyebrows furrowed, and eye's squinting. He was looking down at his phone, tapping away. The pizza slice in his hand hadn't had a single bite taken out of it. He looked concerned, almost again like the way I saw him when he first walked in.

I guess he felt my gaze on him, when he snapped his head right up, looking me dead in the eye.

I stared at him back, not blinking, not flinching. He sighed and just started staring at his phone again.

I zoned out, and I guess it was because in the moment I was confused why he was acting like this. I mean it had nothing to do with me, but if it was something to do with his family it concerned me because our families were close even if we weren't.

I stared down at the remote on the table, then realising I was being stupid tracing the outline of the buttons, I decided to stare at something else, the painting on my wall. Again the same thing happened, I started tracing it with my eye's.

I usually did this out of anxiety or when I was stressed about something. But I wasn't anxious about anything nor was I stressed.

Was is West?

No it can't be.

Madison your stressing over an asshole who doesn't care one bit about you.

You're stressing over him.

No I'm not.

Yes you are.

Just shut up stupid brain.

The pizza slice on my plate starting feeling heavier when I very cautiously turned around to see Jake picking off the vegetables on his slice and putting it onto mine.

"Jake you stupid asshole stop putting your vegetable's on my pizza." I yelled at him.

"What? I don't like vegetable's." Jake said defensively.

"And you decided to put them on my pizza?" I say acting offended.

He just shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't know where else to put them."

I groaned.

Cole handed Jake a empty plate, "Here put it on this." He said, then sat back and relaxed as he grabbed another slice pizza.

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