Sixty Six

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"What the fu-" Cherribomb looked around at her new surroundings, and her new appearance. She traded her hot pink top and skirt for light blue ones and her black ripped up stockings were now a light shade of pink.

"Hello! Welcome to Heaven!" Said an over enthusiastic voice.

She looked up at the Golden gate, with a golden pedestal to the right and a very enthusiastic Angel behind it.

"How the fuck did I ge-"

Saint Peter shrugged.

"If ya give me your name I could probably tell you." He stated.

"Cherribomb." She said on instinct.

Saint Peter looked through the book and didn't see any 'Cherribomb'.

"Could it be under a diff- are you a sinner?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Just a moment."

He disappeared behind the pedestal, and grabbed another book and flipped through the pages.

And found her name. He reappeared quickly.

"Isabella?" He asked.

She nodded with a furrowed eyebrow.

"Ohhhh okay.............. So um. While we wait for Sera to come down and give you a tour, if you don't mind me askingwhat happened before you got here?" He asked.

She thought about it.

"I went out for a drink and a lil bit of dancing. I only had one drink and I didn't even fini- THAT SHIT ASS BARTENDER PUT SOMETHING IN MY DRINK DIDN'T HE?! Angie always said I shouldn't go to dive bars." She groaned.

Saint Peter was taken aback by her yelling.

"Oh my! Yes well, that is unfortunate. But congrats on making it here." The angel's voice was awkward he didn't really know what else to say.

Sera and Emily finally made it down and greeted the redeemed soul.

"Hello!" Greeted Emily she's seen Cherribomb before in the very last extermination and was so glad someone she recognized had made it.

The two seraphims showed her around heaven excitedly.

After the tour They took her to the petting zoo. The koalas reminded her of home but, these things were sweet and cuddly not like the ones in Australia; that look cute but, will eat your face.

She walked around a little bit and spotted another angel dressed in pink she had two arms and four legs. Her eyebrow raised.

"That can't be a coincidence." She told herself.

She laid low but followed the angel. Through several different exhibits.  Until she stopped in front of the lynx enclosure

Cherribomb quietly and quickly, walked over to the angel and greeted her.

"Hi, is your name Molly by any chance?" She asked.

The angel that resembled her best friend nodded.  She wore a confused and questioning look.

"It is...... Whyy?" She asked curiously.

"I'm a friend of your bro-"

Molly turned back to look at the lynx. From, what Cherri saw of her side profile she looked sad, and then angry.

"I don't have a brother." She stated coldly

"Um Antho-"

She seemed to turn on like a light switch when he heard his name though.

Do or Die,  a Huskerdust StoryWhere stories live. Discover now