15 car crash

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me and leah packed our things to go home today. i put all of bears things in the car and then leah brought both of our bags out.

we said bye to both of our families who were at my mums house to see us off.

i went and hugged everyone and leah did the same before we got in the car and drove away.

while driving a huge truck came speeding out of nowhere, smashing into the front of my car causing us to go spinning. the air bags deployed and me and leah screamed.

"shit" i sighed putting my hand to my head. my breathing was heavy and panicked.

"are you okay" leah asked, grabbing my hand in hers. "your not hurt are you?"
i could sense the worry in her voice.

"im fine" i breathed though i was in huge shock at what had just happened.

"are you okay" i asked.

"yeah fine" she said.

we looked to the back seat and saw bear somehow still sleeping soundly.

"shit leah your bleeding" i said seeing blood drip from her eyebrow.

i tried to wipe it with my thumb and she winced away from me.

"ouch" she said.

"sorry" i said. "did you hit your head somewhere"

"yeah not bad though" she said. "don't worry it's just a tiny cut"

we both got out of the car to see the damage which was quite bad.

leah called for help and the police arrived.

the truck driver had stopped and came over to us.

"are you ladies okay" he asked.

"yes thankfully" i said while looking at leah who was still on the phone to someone.

the police spoke to the man who crashed into us and leah came to me.

it was quite cold so i had goosebumps on my arms. leah stood behind me and wrapped her arms around me, rubbing up and down my arms in attempt to warm me up.

"you okay sweetheart" she whispered in my ear.

"i'm fine le, don't worry about me" i said. "just in a bit of shock"

"okay good. i don't want anything bad to happen to you ever" she said before pressing a soft kiss to my neck.

i always have a fluttery feeling when leah is around but when she acts this cute and sweet it's hard for me to not melt.

"how's your eyebrow" i asked.

"fine" she said. "doesn't hurt"

my car got picked up, we took our bags and bear out of the car and then beth came to get us from the side of the road.

"hello lovebirds" she said as she pulled over.

"oh shush you" leah said.

"okay don't get in then" beth said.

we both got in the car with bear on the seat between us.

"who's this little cutie pie" beth said as she saw bear.

"bear. he's mine and leah's baby" i said taking him out of his carrier.

"awww he's so fluffy" beth cooed.

"so how was your little lovers retreat" beth teased.

"stop it beth" leah rolled her eyes.

"personally wouldn't go to my mums house for a lovers retreat" i laughed.

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