6 come over, i need a hand x

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today we finally finished building the lego. it took hours but we're done.

leah drove me and less to training. we got out the car and i saw meado. i ran over to her and jumped on her back.

"meado meado" i chanted.

"hiya evie" she said.

"bethany, how would you like to do me the honour of letting me borrow your phone charger" i said.

"no" she said.

"pleaseee" i said. "leah made me forget mine and didn't go back home to pick it up and she won't let me borrow hers"

"no eve. you broke my other charger and i had to get a new one" she complained.

"that wasn't even me. that was vivs fault" i defended.

"yeah yeah blame my girlfriend why don't you" she rolled her eyes jokingly.

"i promise i wont break it. my phone is almost dead" i said.

"fine" she sighed.

when we got to the changing rooms, she handed me her charger and i plugged my phone in.

we got into our training kits and went out to the pitches. i got a ball and kicked it around with less while we waited for jonas and the rest of the girls

we got told to get into groups of 4 so i went with less, beth and leah. we did some passing and 2v2s, finishing off with a match.

after that we had a gym session so we all went there, doing our usual routines.

i was having a little break after running on the treadmill. i sipped my water and scanned the room.

beth came to me and sat with me, drinking her own drink as we got into a little conversation about our plans for the next break.

leah sat beside me and took my water bottle from my hand, drinking it.

"that's mine" i said pulling it from her mouth, water fell everywhere.

"what's yours is mine" she said taking it from me again.

"god your such a married couple" beth rolled her eyes as we laughed.

i got up and did some boxing. my arms started to ache and i noticed that most people had left now. there's only a handful of people here still.

i sat down and finished what leah had left in my bottle. she came over again after finishing her own work out.

she poked my sides and started tickling me while i struggled and wiggled around trying to desperately get out of her grasp.

"fuck leah stop" i said between laughs.

"never" she laughed and continued tickling me to almost death.

she let go of me and i lay there gasping for breath, trying to recover from her attack.

i sat up and grabbed the closest thing to me, which happened to be a whiteboard pen.

"i'll throw this at you, you bitch" i said

"you wouldn't" she said

"wouldn't i?" i questioned. i very much would.

"no you love me too much" she said with a cocky smirk.

i launched the pen at her and it hit her in the eye.

"aah shit"
her hand went to her eye as i sat with shock. i didn't expect her to stand still when i threw it.

"im so sorry leah" i said, quickly standing up and holding her face.

she moved her hand from her eye and i checked it. nothing bad apart from it being slightly red.

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