"Eddy get some gauze."

He pulls out a cylinder of white and gives it to me. I start to wrap his shoulder, carefully laying the sticky fabric over itself, covering the cut.

"Damn this is cold." I hear Kevin say, slowly removing the wet towel from his forehead.

"What happened Kevin?" I ask, finishing the gauze process.

"Well, to put it short and sweet, we put Marie in jail." Kevin said quickly.

"Oh my god. Are you serious?!" Eddy yelled excitedly.

"The fuck? Why would I lie?" Kevin asks.

I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.

She's finally gone. I can't believe it. Four years of fear is finally over.

I lean in and hug Kevin, careful not to touch his shoulder, and let out all my emotions through tears. He rubs my back with his left hand, helping me feel better.

"After Rolf mentioned her in the hospital, I had to know what was up. I went to Rolf's. Today and he told me the story. I searched for her even though Rolf told me not to and I found her behind the junk yard in the woods." Kevin stopped and took a deep breath. "She's crazy Babe, I told her she needed to stay away from you but she didn't want to hear it." He held me closer to him. "She pulled out a gun and that's where Rolf came in like a ninja and tackled her to the ground. At the same time she pulled the trigger and it grazed my shoulder. He called the cops and they can't and picked her up. Straight jacket and everything." He finishes.

I pull myself away from him and look him in the eyes.

"Why would you put yourself in that much danger for me?" I ask him.

"Why wouldn't I? She put you through that much pain and needed to be punished." He responds.
I back away and start to panic.

"H-How much do you know?" I ask nervously.

Kevin gets up from the couch slowly, standing close to me.

"Why does it matter? She's gone now." He says with a smile.

"Because it does." I say.

I need to know.

"Double D, I don't think that's a-" I cut off Eddy

"Let him tell me." I yell at him.

He takes a deep breath before answering.

"She raped you."

My heart practically stopped.

What did Rolf have to tell him everything?

Tears started to roll down my face, more than there were before.

"Edd?" Kevin calls for me.

I didn't move. My mind went blank and I could no longer control what I was doing.

-Kevin P.O.V.-
"I should have fought back more. I should have screamed louder. Hit her. Punched her. Something!" He yelled.

"No, no, it's not your fault. You'll never be at fault." I said, trying to calm him down.

"Lumpy! SockHead is having a freak out. Get the blanket." Eddy yells to Ed.

I look back at Ed to see him running to the back of the house.

"Keep talking to him." Eddy whisper yells at me.

Edd started to shake, he moved his hands back and forth from his face to his shoulders, trying to comfort himself.

"You're gonna leave me now because I'm a weakling." He says low to himself.

"No I'm not, I'm not leaving." I tried to convince him.

What can I do to get him to chill? I've never seen him like this before.

Ed runs back into the room with a big, thick, black blanket. He moves in front of me and drapes the edge of the blanket around his face and down the front of him chest, covering his entire body to his feet. I move back from what's going on and give them some space, moving over to Eddy.

"What is going on?" I ask Eddy.

"Ever since the incident, he would have these anxiety attacks and go a little nuts."

"Does he have PTSD?" I asked.

"I guess so, Ed and I are the only ones who've seen it."

"Oh. What's with the blanket then?"

"It is his safety blanket. The safety blanket routine is the only thing that gets him back to normal. We put the blanket on him and we talk to him, reminding him where he's at, what year it is and telling him he's okay. Then we lay him down and he usually falls asleep, waking up 10 minutes or so later." Eddy informs me so casually.

I look over to Edd and see him on the couch passed out, like how I was, but he looked more at peace than I probably did.

"Oh, that reminds me," Eddy said as he left the room for a minute and came back with another black blanket, "this is for you." He says, handing out the blanket to me.

"For me?" I ask, taking the blanket into my hands.

It was soft but heavy and I can see why it would put him at ease.

"If you're going to date Double Dork, you're gonna need this at your house." Eddy says sternly to me as if I was a 5 year old child. "Ed and I both have one at our house so you're gonna need one." He says, walking over to Edd on the couch.

He carefully pulls the blanket from over Edd's head and fixes his hat.

"You guys really do take care of him, don't ya?" I ask.

Eddy quickly backs away and blushes.

"Well yeah, I mean, he can take care of himself too and uh, he's our best friend and all." Eddy stutters, obviously not used to showing affection to his friends like that. "Come on Lumpy, let's go back to my room. Let the boyfriend take care of him." He says with a puffed out chest, trying to make himself look big and bad as he and Ed walk away.

"Oh I will, Eddison." I tease.

"Don't call me that!" He yells back.

I chuckle to myself as I sit in the free space on the couch. The couch was pretty big and Edd is relatively small so I had a comfortable amount of room. I rubbed his side, comforting him while he slept and snored softly. He looked adorable laying there, surrounded by comfort. He looked so peaceful and relaxed. He groaned as he suddenly woke up and leaned into my chest, snuggling his face into me.

"Please don't leave me." Edd whispers.

I take some of the blanket and put it on top on me and then pull him into my lap.

"That will never cross my mind. Now go back to sleep." I say, patting his hat.

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This is not over. I repeat. This is not over and not even close to be. This is like a third over. This was Edd's back story, next is Kevin's, and then the ending section. This is gonna be like 60 fucking chapters I swear. Not intentionally though, I just have a feeling it will end up that way. But I do plan on making the chapters longer and maybe more smut... *Wiggles eyebrows*

I'm so sorry you guys thought it was over. It's not even close omg.

Next chapter: It'll be up in like 10 minutes.

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