Her bodyguard pt 3 (J.O)

Comenzar desde el principio

I felt heat rush to my cheeks and I looked down back at my plate "blushing again Ortega" her voice softer this time "oh shut up" I looked up and she was already staring at me. You could feel the tension in the air, we just stared at each for a minute "you're playing a dangerous game Ortega" she kept eye contact and tilted her head slightly and smiled.

Two can play that game, I got up from my seat as I kept eye contact, I got closer to her. She was now looking up at me and I lightly bit my lip "don't start anything you can't finish Jenna" I grabbed her hand and led her into my room, I turned around and wrapped my arms around her neck. I leaned in but before our lips touched she let out a soft whisper "jen..." I kissed her softly and she kissed back.

Once a soft kiss turned into a heated one and we were now on my bed. She pulled away slowly and looked into my eyes "jen...we can't...I'm your bodyguard" I knew she was trying to resist but I wanted her more than just my bodyguard... I wanted her as mine.

She started to pull away but I pulled her back "I want you more than just my bodyguard...I want you as mine" she smiled and kissed me again. She started kissing my neck but she knew not to leave any marks. Her lips left my neck "Jenna are you sure you want this?" I smiled at her asking for consent "yes y/n I want this...I want us"

Y/n pov

The morning after she was still sleeping next to me. I got up from the bed and grabbed a shirt from my room and made her some avocado toast. After her toast was ready I went back into the room and sat her plate on the nightstand. I kissed her forehead and her cheeks a couple of times and she began to stir.

She opened her eyes and let out a raspy "hey" I smiled "hey" she snuggled closer into my side "oh I made you some avocado toast" her head popped up "really?!?" I turned to pass her the plate "yay" she took a piece of the toast and bit it "so good" she offered "here try" I bit it and it was pretty good "good huh?" I nodded

I looked on the nightstand and grabbed my phone as I opened twitter I see my name and Jenna's trending. I looked at Jenna "what?" She questioned, I passed her my phone.

#3: Jenna and her bodyguard

#4: Jenna Ortega's bodyguard Y/n Y/L\N spotted outside a coffee shop

#6: Bodyguard is fine

She looked up and sighed "no privacy" she laid back into my side. I clicked on the fourth thread.

#4: Jenna Ortega's bodyguard Y/n Y/L\N spotted outside a coffee shop

#4: Jenna Ortega's bodyguard Y/n Y/L\N spotted outside a coffee shop

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

 Source: TMZ International

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Source: TMZ International

Y/n Y/L/N was spotted outside a coffee shop in New Bedford where Jenna is filming her movie the Finestkind.

Later the woman was picking up Jenna up at 1 am in the morning.

Is this woman more than just Jenna's bodyguard?

tocool4you: yeah they def together
^jenfromtheblock: y'all do realize that Y/n is Jenna's bodyguard right? So she's gonna be spotted at certain places as jenna cause she's the BODYGUARD 🤦‍♀️
^realtalkonly: that's what I've been saying

load more

I sighed and shook my head, Jenna finished her toast and was clinging onto me "just let this die down we'll be fine" I laid back down and closed my eyes "hopefully" she kissed my neck lightly "I promise it'll be fine" we eventually went back to sleep.


Well the press is just messy aren't they 🤦🏽‍♀️

Anyways, you and Jenna 🤭🤫

My book Forbidden Love is now out so check that out please and thank you

See ya later


Jenna Ortega Imagines/ One shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora