Betrayal is best served cold (W.A)

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Weds pov

So recently y/n has been sneaking around and she wasn't good at it either. So one night I decided to follow her. Behind a wall, I heard her speaking to Bianca "B, i don't know about this"

"you'll be fine y/n now cmon" I heard my girl sigh and they started walking. What was going on, they disappeared and when i tried following i got hit in the head, and i smelled y/n perfume.

I woke up and a dark bag was on my head. "This is what we are doing now? Like we're in some type of movie." Someone took off the bag and once I adjusted to the light I seen mostly everyone I deal with in these black robes, I raised my eyebrow "what is this some type of cult?"

"It's a secret society"

"Oooo scary and someone needs to work on tying knots" the rope dropped and my hands were free. Y/n stepped up "why were you following me Wednesday?"

"I got a better one, why did you need to be followed?" She sighed "weds I was gonna tell you" she walked closer to me "just let me explain" I stepped back "how about you cut it short and tell me what you all are up too." Enid then took the hood off "Weds we were gonna tell you" oh so she's here too

"So when I was telling you how I suspected that Y/n was hiding something, you knew and hid it too" it was like someone took me to a amusement park it was brutal. Y/n reached for me "Weds just let us explain" and again I moved away from her "don't call me that" I walked out and I did get lost for a couple minutes but found my way back to my room.

Later I heard the door open and I knew who it was "Wednesday just let y/n explain" I didn't look back at the two "no, not in the mood for secrets and lies." I kept typing on my typewriter "Enid I told you" I heard Y/n say as they closed the door and left.

This feeling that I had was a different type of feeling i never felt before. This one stung, it made my heart hurt. The one I call my best friend and the one that is supposed to be my other half hid something from me. It's not only they kept it a secret they lied, Enid knew I was suspicious of y/n for the past couple of days and she still acted like nothing was going on.

Even though I am very angry right now I am curious on what they have to say. "Thing go find Enid and Y/n. Tell them I'll hear them out" Thing hopped off my desk and walked away.

Y/n pov

I can't believe I hid something like this from her. "I knew I should've told her" I tossed my head into my hands and groaned "why didn't I tell herrrr?" Enid say by me "maybe because you were scared... you know how she feels about you putting yourself in danger"

As I was about to reply Thing thumped my shoe "what is it?" He taps and then Enid says that weds wants to talk. We walk back to their door and open the door to see Wednesday standing by the window "so what is the explanation."

She turns around with a cold expression and looks me in the eyes "explain why you were sneaking around, lying, hiding tell me what was so important that the two of you had to keep away from me." She walked closer to me and then looked at Enid "she didn't do anything wrong, Enid was just looking out for me"

She snapped her head back to me "what would you need looking out for?" I gulped and looked at my girlfriend "um...I joined the society and hopes of catching Tyler" her expression changed "you what."

"I-" she stopped me "no I heard what you said, but the hell would you do something like that for" she began to pace around "I should've known, it makes sense, you start being weird when news broke about Tyler's escape... Enid started being weird a week ago so that means that she found out then, but still the question remains why not tell me..."

"I didn't tell you because I knew you would have shut it down instantly and when Enid found out it worked because she could protect me... plus if it makes you feel any better we found him" she stops her pacing "you found him?" 

"Yes, but Wednesday we didn't approach him" she took a deep breath "I'll deal with you later. Thing watch her, Enid come on" she walks past me and leaves the dorm, Enid shrugs and follows.

Weds pov

I'm gonna kill him... like actually kill him. Enid's voice broke me out of my thoughts "Weds what are you doing" I kept walking "Bianca, I heard what your up too and I'm going to kill him right now. You coming or what." I didn't give her time to process and I walked off and grabbed and axe. Enid showed me where he was at and it was a couple miles away but not far.

Bianca caught up and brought some things "you should've asked me instead of my girlfriend" she turned "I was but once I told her she said she was going to tell you, but seeing how everything working out... she didn't tell you." I shook my head and I saw him.

Enid transformed as we saw him finish his last meal. "Um I know this is a late question but what's the plan"  Ajax asked "me, Enid and Bianca are going to distract him and your going to solidify him and I'm going to chop off his head. We all nodded and ran towards him.

After some cuts and bruises Ajax was able to get a good look and solidify him and after I chopped his head off. We all walked back to school but we succeeded so in the end it was worth it.

Once I made it back to the room y/n face lit up with horror "what the hell happened" Enid walked off to the bathroom and took a shower "it's delt with" she raised an eyebrow "Tyler?" I nodded "so no more hiding things from me" she smiled lightly "I'm so so sorry mi amor" "I apologize too" she kissed my lips lightly


To the announcement of the start of filming season 2 for Wednesday 🤭 my wife needs to come home already 😔

Anyways I told y'all I was gonna be spamming.

See yall later


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