What about me? (J.O) 3/4

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Third person

The Italian racer has been silent...
Y/n Marino has been utterly quiet about her plans on rematching Hughes. Some say she's scared, others say that her silence should have Hughes worried. Now we all want to know what Marino has in store for us.

Y/n pov

Rehab has been kicking my ass lately. Mentally and physically, I'm just tired. It's been 4 months since I woke up from my coma. 4 hard ass month's recovering and training. The worst part is my girlfriend is half across the world right now finishing the rest of her film Beetlejuice 2.

We have been together for 9 months now and I think it might be time to ask her to move in. Maybe I'm moving fast but I know that she's the one I want to love for the rest of my life. But I also know that isn't fair for her since she barely gets to see her family. Asking for her to move in with me, is horrible I wouldn't want to do that to her.

And with the Ferrari headquarters being in Maranello I have to stay close by. Maybe in a year I might ask her to move in, but right now it wouldn't be fair to ask.

Even though I haven't been on the internet that much I still know what the people are saying, I wanna say something but my team just keeps on saying wait until I'm fully done with my recovery. But that shit eating at me like the haters saying that I'm scared or imma coward. Like damn I could've die but I guess when your and athlete in the spotlight people forget that you are also human too.

My phone started to ring and then I checked it was my dad.

Hey papa

Hey y/n/n

What's up?

The f1 committee needs to know your decision about the rematch by tomorrow night.

Oh... um ok, could you and mom head over tonight so we could talk about it.

Yeah sure kiddo

Ok thanks love you dad

Love you too

The call ended and I laid down on the couch, and then I heard the doorbell "ughhhh" I get up and I walk over to the front door. I check the peep hole and there is no one there. I sit down back down on the couch and it rings again who the fuck is playing with my door right now. I check the peep hole again and there is no one there. Right when I was about to walk away it rings again. Now I'm pissed so I open the door. " who the fuck-" I see my girlfriend smiling and giggling "hey baby"

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!" I hug her and spin her around. "I got done filming earlier so I wanted to stay with you for a bit before heading over back home."

We go inside and i basically tackle her to my couch. "I missed youuuuuu" I kiss her all over her face and she giggles "I can see that" I pull away "that's not what you were supposed to say" she pulls me back "I missed you toooooo" and she kisses my lips. "Kiss me back" she tries again but I dodge her "come here baby, I missed you so so much" she pulls me closer and kisses me all over my face.

Later that night

"Babe my parents are here!" I yelled upstairs

I opened the door "Hey mama, papa" they came in and sat down on the couch "where is Jenna?"

"She's upstairs, but she'll be down soon though"

"So your dad says you wanted us to come over to tell us your decision"

Jenna walks down the stairs "What decision" she sat on the couch beside me "hey Mrs and Mr. Marino"

"Jennaaa enough with the last name's sweetheart"

Jenna Ortega Imagines/ One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now