Sickness and through health (J.O)

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Jenna pov

I've been calling y/n non stop and she hasn't answered all day. I had just got off of my flight and I'm heading home and I was wondering if she wanted food but again she hasn't answered. Once I open the door the house was quiet and completely dark "babe I'm home" I sat my purse and keys down on the counter and started looking for my wife.

I looked in the living room and she wasn't there, maybe she's in the office... nope, I enter our room and I see her silhouette "why haven't you been picking up your phone?" No answer, I start getting frustrated because why isn't she answering me. "Y/n what is wrong" again no answer.

I approach our bed and I see her bundled up in the duvet and she barely has any color in her face. Aw baby is sick. I lightly kiss her forehead and feel that she's burning up. "Mi amor" I rub her back and she starts to wake up. She turned around and let out a rasp "hey" before opening her eyes "my poor baby" I kissed her forehead once more.

"Have you ate anything" she shook her head no "been in bed"

"Do you have an appetite?" She shook her head no. I sighed "what do you need then mi amor" she tugged on the hem of my shirt and looked up at my with sad eyes "me" she nodded "but baby you need to eat, to take medicine" she let out a small pout "love you know how you get when you take medication on a empty stomach"

She let go of my shirt and rolled over, even suck she's sassy "oh ok baby after you eat and take medicine I'll give you cuddles" I left our room and went to the kitchen to make her some soup. One the soup started to simmer I took this chance to go take a shower.

I walked back into the room and walked into our bathroom and turned on the shower. After I finished my shower I got ready and as I was putting my pjs on I saw you staring, I smiled and teased  "you like what you see" you rolled your eyes and shook your head "your soup is ready"

You got out of bed and walked to the kitchen and sat on the counter "I'm tired" I made you a bowl "I know my love" I passed you the bowl of soup "it's hot so take your time" I left you on the counter and walked back into the room and opened up the windows. The sun was setting so the sky was a pretty pink orange color. I walked back to the kitchen and saw you sipping your soup."Mhmm and you said you were hungry"

You put the bowl done and got off the counter, you took some medicine and and then you dragged me back into the room "heyyy"

"Cuddles like right now" I smiled and laid down on the bed, you laid on top of me and I rubbed your back. "My poor baby" I kissed your forehead "I missed you" you nuzzled your face into my neck. We started drifting off to sleep.


A cute little story

I hope y'all had a nice day or night

See ya later


Jenna Ortega Imagines/ One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now