Chapter 16

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We all looked around to see that Aurora had disappeared, panic started to rise around us as we immediately ran outside. I always knew that her powers had began to awaken, but I never thought that it would be this unstable. Then again, the princess spent 12 years without any usage of her powers. Prince Azra and Percy turned to look at us confused as to what just happened.

"When did her powers awaken?" Prince Azra asked shocked as he drew his sword out to venture out in the human forest. Erix took his sword out as well as he walked up to him, trying not to show any hint of fear, but I knew he was worried as to where she disappeared to.

"Around 2 months ago, when Caz and I came back from the underworld, the princess was having a nightmare. She kept screaming to stop and an immense power came from her" he said as Percy's eyes widen and immediately turned to Azra. His face as grim as he looked in front of him, but it was obvious that he knew what Erix was talking about since he tensed up over the idea of his sister screaming 'stop' during her dreams. The forest was quietly rustling as we went in, in hopes of finding Aurora. Since we don't know the extent of her power, we would have to relay on hearing her voice or as Azra said sensing her power.

"How long did you fucking know?" Percy asked Azra trying not to make too much noise to draw attention towards us. We were all in our vampires in mortal territory, one wrong move would cost us our lives, or in this case, the two princes' lives. He didn't want to talk about it as he began to pick up the pace, looking everywhere for her, but Percy stopped in front of him with his sword pointing directly to Azra's face.

"Answer the fucking question Azra" he said coldly as Azra just glared at him.

"I heard him. I fucking heard him. Do you have any fucking idea how this impacted me? How fucking useless I felt being only 13 years, not strong enough to protect her?" he snapped as he pushed Percy's blade aside. I have to admit that being only 13, crown prince, at the beginning of his training, of course he couldn't stand up to him. The King was way too powerful when he was younger compared to now.

Erix and I glanced at each other while Percy was trembling before he began to cry. Azra tried to hold his tears in, but he couldn't and they both silently cried for something that was out of their control.

Erix silently looked at the forest while it was quietly whistling, trying in a way to comfort the two princes. He then walked towards them and placed his hands on their shoulder. When it came to understanding guilt, he was the best person to know what's it like to feel guilty over something out of his control. He spent years blaming himself over the death of his parents and older siblings. The only thing his family left was him and his younger sister who's currently at the underworld making sure everything is running smoothly.

"None of this were your faults.. The King took advantage of an innocent child and you both were children when it happened. Of course, it's frustrating being powerless to protect her when you were a mere child yourself, but you did the best that you could with what you had"

They both looked at him with sorrow eyes as they looked down. I only glanced and continued to look for Aurora through the ominous woods. We had to find her before they did, but it nearly impossible to know where she went. I left the three of them to talk as I kept looking. Slowly the dark forest become more dreadful, more ominous, more hallow. I wasn't sure how far I went until I heard a rough deep voice coming ahead of me. Instinct took over me as I lowered my powers and made myself invisible, quietly drawing closer and closer to that rough voice hoping that it wasn't who it I thought it was.

"Since I haven't been able to sense the precious princess at Kuata, her kidnappers might've taken her to the mortal realm. Make sure you kill anyone that's in your way, bring me one of those mortal, oh.. I'll kill anyone who won't bring me what I own" he said sadistically. Chills went down my spine as my sense of urgency increased. I saw his soldiers beginning to run towards different directions as one of them immediately returned with a mortal female. They took the bag off her head as she began to whimper a plead for her life. Sylas came near the girl as she began pleading for her life and he smiled while beginning to touch her body. She kept screaming for help until I couldn't take it anymore, I don't fucking care if she's human, she's someone with feelings.

I immediately attacked each and one of his soldiers as one by one dropped to the ground making Sylas snap out of his repulsive actions. He immediately turned to see all of his soldiers lifeless bodies on the ground. I looped around to struck his last soldier holding the girl before he plowed to the ground. Sylas tried to grab her until I made myself visible and pulled the girl behind me while pointing my blade to his face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I said quietly while the girl held on to me. Sylas looked at me shocked before beginning to laugh manically. Holding his face and arching back revealing his horrendous aura.

"Caz Monore, the Mafia's lord Messenger, what a surprise to see you here"

"Fuck off, Sylas, leave the mortal girl alone. You already fucking know that us vampires should not interfere with mortals"

He tilted his head in confusion before smiling eerily. He looks at the mortal behind me trying to use his powers to restrain her before my sword went through his body as he let a shrieking pain.

"Sylas Eshler, I don't fucking care if you're a prince, you know that the moment you mess with a member of the mafia, you're as good as dead. Leave now or accept for death" I whispered coldly as he stood up and disappeared within the woods going straight to Kuata. The girl goes in front of me looking at me with relief before she grabbed my face and kissed me. I pushed her away and she smiled.

"Thank you Caz, I won't tell anyone that a vampire was roaming around the woods" she said as she walked back to where she came from.

I watched her leave as Azra, Percy, and Erix appeared behind me with worried faces. Their eyes widen as they watched my body, bloody, scratches, and a red mark on my lips.

"Could you not suppressed your sexual desires until we go back to Kuata?" Erix asked annoyingly.

"Sylas attacked a mortal girl, so I saved her"

"You've been stabbed"


I looked down to my abdomen and indeed I was stabbed- must've been on of his soldiers that stabbed me while I was high on adrenaline. I just pressed on my wound as Percy grabbed my arm before warping us back to the cabin.

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