The Gleam Eyes.. Again.

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Link Start: Danger In Virtual Worlds

Chapter 26: The Gleam Eyes.. Again.

Date: Infinityverse Days 828-849

On the 74th Floor, there's the settlement of Kamdet which is full of one story buildings that are rather brown, few trees, a brick gate, and more as well as the dangerous looking labyrinth which has an open floor plan of sorts where you can peer down to the abyss below as there are no walls outside of the boss room for The Gleam Eyes. But don't worry. You aren't going to fall into the abyss. The game prevents that. On the 75th Floor, there's the settlement of Collinia where as Koharu would extensively brief us on along with Kirito, Asuna, and other was the whole event boss known as The Life Harvester. Sounds like something that would belong in a farm themed horror movie or one with a grim reaper. I couldn't find any info on the 73rd Floor. Thankfully, as I mentioned, not much went on in it anyway. Kirito speaks as we take our first steps to the 74th Floor: "It's here.. It's here where my reputation changed forever. The Gleam Eyes.. It's like I can feel its hatred for me. That hatred is increasing as if it has sensed my presence." Thinker replies: "That day will forever live in fame and infamy." Asuna adds: "This time, no one's getting slaughtered by The Gleam Eyes!" Several days later, on Day 831, we went to the labyrinth after determining that The Gleam Eyes wasn't anywhere to be found outside of it. Looking around, I gulp at seeing the abyss below. I still have a fear of really high heights. It's not so bad when I'm on a roller coaster or a plane but when I'm standing and walking? That's a different story. Still trying to get over that at least outside of my original body as I haven't bothered trying in my original body. It's not often one sees what might as well be a bottomless abyss right before their eyes with nothing obstructing the view of it.

Applejack notices and puts a hove gently on my shoulder: "It's going to be okay, Swiftdrawer. Let's just keep going. Together." Twilight Sparkle speaks up: "Let's just hope no one decided to recklessly rush ahead into the boss room. Us clearers have split into groups to eventually meet back up in front of the boss room. That way, it will be easier to explore this labyrinth with the memories those of us who have been here before have to help guide us to the correct path." The monsters along the way to the boss room were not a problem for all of us. We brought ever clearer along to the labyrinth as part of a strategy good against The Gleam Eyes and the Death Guns. Along the way, Kirito told us about The Gleam Eyes in detail in order to prepare us for the fight ahead. Some of us were shaking in fear at the thought of facing it already. I spoke up: "Not even the anime could truly do justice what you went through to defeat it, Kirito. I'm quacking in my boots at thinking of how difficult it's going to be this time around. It was hard enough when you beat it with Asuna and Klein backing you up. Each boss has only been more difficult than the last and the fact that The Gleam Eyes is a demonic monster swordsman essentially just makes this whole thing that much more terrifying. I really hope no one was foolish enough to rush into there before we could meet up at the entrance of the boss room." We continued on walking as a giant sized force. Not even the Death Guns could commit mass murder easily with all of us moving throughout every possible specific path to the boss room on such narrow paths. Knowing that I was far from alone was helping me focus instead of shake in fear of the gaping abyss we could see if we just looked down.

This is unlike any other labyrinth. (In SAO Integral Factor, I was pretty confused at first when playing through the 74th Floor storyline's start in the labyrinth in April 2024, a month ago as of when I'm writing this chapter months after the Infinityverse ended) I think I have made that clear enough. But before we got to the entrance of the boss room, we started to hear demonic roars, screams, and evil laughs. Sinon yells: "What the hell is going on now?!" Kirito stiffens up for a moment before shouting: "Damn it! Not again! There's no time for waiting! We have to go in there! Now!" Kobatz, whose previous incompetence caused his death as well as the deaths of 2 of his subordinates at the hands of The Gleam Eyes speaks: "This is my chance to truly make up for what I once caused in the past. We will fight as one and keep going for as long as we can. That is what we must do in the face of The Gleam Eyes." But before any of us could rush inside to intercept any of The Gleam Eyes' attacks, XaXa's voice speaks for the first time since BoB on Floor 71. "You have come at last, rest of the clearers. I would hurry if I were you. Some of your comrades who were foolish enough to chase some of my Death Guns into the boss rooms after being evoked into doing so are dying against my Death Guns as well as The Gleam Eyes. You could say it's a 3 way slaughter! And I'm enjoying just watching all of this play out from a safe location you cannot easily reach!" M speaks: "And this is why we had the strategy meeting about this boss before letting anyone enter this labyrinth. We know exactly what we should expect from The Gleam Eyes."

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