20. The Cure

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"Is it true? Newt. Could I have saved him?"

Thomas's hand trembled as he pointed the gun at  Ava. "You can save us all" she replies. Thomas drops his gun as Ava walks toward him. "It's okay."

"Just leave the others alone."

"I promise. I will-" a gunshot echoed through the air. Thomas's eyes darted back and forth from himself and Ava. She softly grunts before falling to the floor.

Behind her revealed Janson. His boots thumped on the floor as he walked closer. He suddenly stabbed some sort of syringe into Thomas's neck.

Thomas blinked away tears as he picked it out. He stumbled to the floor. Janson kicked the gun away. "Oh, Thomas. You should have run"


Thomas awakened to find Teresa next to him. Taking blood out from his arm. "Do you know what this place is Thomas?" Janson said, staring out the window at explosions.

"It's a lifeboat. And the whole word might be sinking. But doesn't mean that we have to go down with it."

Thomas realizes he was strapped down to the medical bed. "Why don't you just kill me?"

"Kill you? No, we don't wanna do that. We're gonna take special care of you. We'll keep you alive. And in return you will give life to the rest of us. The ones we choose to save anyway."

Janson grabs a syringe device. "Of sours there's not gonna be enough for everyone. Hard choices are gonna have to be made. In time the Flare virus will burn itself out. The only question is. Who will be the ones left standing?"

He holds up a bottle of blue. Containing some of Thomas's blood in it. "Thanks to you, to this. We finally get to choose." He inserts the liquid into the syringe.

He pulls up his sleeve, revealing that he has been scratched by a crank. Black veins crawled up his arms. Suddenly, glass shattered everywhere. Janson fell to the floor. Teresa gasped behind him.

She quickly grabbed the syringe and started unstrapping Thomas. Janson stood up, throwing Teresa to a table as Thomas scrambled to I strap his other arm.

Janson banged Teresa's head against the table as Thomas finally stumbled up. He rammed himself into Janson, they fell through a glass window.

Thomas and Janson threw punches at eachother. Thomas laid on the floor defeated. "Okay. That's enough" Janson grins as he point his gun to Thomas.

Missles suddenly launched to the building. Causing Janson to fall as Teresa and Thomas instantly start running. Thomas turns around to find Janson up and shooting his gun at them.

Thomas grabbed Teresa and led her to a lab room. Cranks were contaminated in a room. "We need to get out of here. What's wrong?"

Thomas turns around, holding his stomach that was gushing blood. "Thomas?"

Thomas fell to the floor, he sat with his back propped against a counter. He listed dip his shirt revealing a bullet wound. "Oh shit."

"Okay okay. We need to, here! Just put pressure on it." Teresa gave Thomas a cloth as he pressed it against the wound. "You gotta go." Thomas pants.

"No, not without you."

Steam hissed as Janson walked into the lab. "I admit it Teresa, you had me fooled. I thought we were friends. Maybe it's just in your nature to betray the people closest to you"

Teresa sneaked across the floor, accidentally kicking some bottles and Janson to shoot that direction. "Come on. Let's not prolong this. We both know there no way outta here."

Janson steps intent of Teresa as she tried to make an attempt to crawl towards Thomas. "No. No" Teresa kicked herself away from him.

"I think you have something of mine." Teresa stands up holding up the bottle. "Not that. Where is he?"

"Just take it. Leave him alone."

"What is it with you two? You think he's so special? He's a lab rat. He was born with a gift. He never had to fight for it, he never earned it. He doesn't deserve it"

"Maybe, but it's his."

"What about you Thomas? What do you have to say? Don't you have enough blood on your hands already? You might now have been able to shoot her. But I can. Okay fine. Have it your way."

"Janson." Thomas grunts as he threw a big vase at him. Janson ducked, the vase banging against the wall enclosing cranks. "Missed you little shit."

"Did I?"


Teresa helped Thomas to the roof. The whole building was on fire. She tried turning back but the inside blew. Teresa held Thomas as they both panted. Oddly like how Sylvia held Newt.

She hands Thomas the cure as she cried lightly. "I'm sorry. I tried."

Light beamed onto them, they both turned around seeing the wicked aircraft. It turned around. Opening the back hatch. There Minho, Brenda, Vince, and Sylvia waited for them.

Teresa held Thomas as they limped toward the ship. Vince laid closest with a harness strapped to him. "Give me your hand!"

"Get closer!" Teresa calls out. "Jump!" Vince grabs ahold of Thomas's hand but he slipped.

"You gotta get closer!" Gally yells. "Thomas! Reach, come on!"

Teresa boosted Thomas up, the four pulled him in. "Come on!" They yelled to Teresa. A building collapsed, landing on the building. Teresa weakly stood, giving one last look to the kids. She saw the look on Sylvia's face, Thomas's.

Sylvia's face was unreadable, she looked at Teresa with dark eyes. The floor under Teresa collapsed, bringing her with. Everyone on the ship silently watched as she fell into the abyss. The building crumbled.


Sylvia sat by the corner of the ship. Where no one was, she needed time alone. Thomas stumbled into the room. Gently letting himself fall not far infront of her. It was silent for a bit. All they could hear was the engine rumbling. And the fidgeting of Newts necklace around Sylvia's neck.

"I'm sorry, I promised he was gonna be okay." Thomas choked out. She looked up at Thomas. Her eyes filled with nothing but pain. "Thomas."

Sylvia lifted up her left sleeve. Revealing black veins crawling up her arm. "What happened?" Thomas asked. He realized then, he cared more about Sylvia. Then he did Teresa. She was the one that was by his side since day one and the Glade. She was the one he came all the way out here for. Thomas blocked out his feeling towards her and told himself it was for Teresa. He hated himself for only realizing by her death.

Sylvia swallowed, shaking her head slightly. "Newt." Thomas nodded looking down. He grabbed the cure from his pocket.

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