17. The Last City

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"You want us to go in there?" Newt asks pointing to the dark tunnel. "I don't wanna come across as too negative but if I was a crank that's exactly where I could be."

"I don't think we have much of a choice." Thomas replies. "There's really no other way?" Minho squints his eyes at the tunnel.

"All right. I get shotgun."

They slowly drove through the tunnel. "Well here we go." Fry says. "Yeah, just take it nice and slow" newt says as fry weaves past cars.

"Woah woah woah!"

The car came to an immediate stop as Newt flashed his light at a crank standing right infront of them. "It's okay. It's just one. Take it slow, go around him. We'll be fine"

"Take it slow." Fry repeats. Newt rolls up his window. Suddenly a hand pounded on the window next to Thomas. "Jesus!"

"Please." The women said. Before she eagerly pulled on the car door. "Okay fry. We gotta go" Minho says as cranks started surrounding their car.

"Just floor it Fry!"

A crank jumped onto the front of the car and punched the glass. "Come on fry, shake him!"

"Hang on!"

"Frypan! Watch out!"

The truck hit a barrel. Flipping over entirely. "Everyone okay?" Thomas coughs out. "My hand"

Thomas kicked on the window, shattering it and then helping Newt out. "Oh shit." Newt curses as a crank started screaming and running towards them. "Frypan, I think we gotta move."

Fry threw himself back in the car going to grab something. Fry grabbed a shotgun and shot the crank before it could reach them. "Nice shot fry."


"Okay. We gotta go."

They ran down the tunnel. Being stopped by another group of cranks. Fry shot from left to right until he ran out of bullets.

At the least second. A truck drove through, "hey, get in!" Brenda yells. The four hop into the back, quickly speeding out of the tunnel.

"I'm impressed! You guys almost lasted a whole day." Jorge sarcastically says.

Brenda turns around and slightly shakes her head at Thomas. "I'm sorry. I didn't wanna bring you guys into this."

"Hey, I think what he's trying to say is thanks for saving us."

"You're welcome."

"Hey don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun, chances are the city is too."

"Yeah unless they figured out some other way to keep the cranks out."

Jorge skidded the truck to a stop as they all climbed out. Infront of them was the last city. It had walls surrounding the perimeter. "Funny. Spent 3 years trapped behind walls trying to break out. And now we wanna break back in."

"Yeah, it's hilarious"

"Jorge, how do we get in?"

"Don't look at me hermano. Those walls are new. I guess that's wickeds answer for everything."

"Well we ain't gonna figure it out from up here. Let's go!"

Everyone climbed back to the truck. Except for the 3 boys. "You really think she's in there?"

"I guess we'll find out."

"You know she's gonna be there too" Minho says. Thomas slightly nods.

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