19. Sanity

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Sylvia stole some clothes from the guards and put them on as they ran. The group hid behind some flower pots as helicopters scanned the area. Newt coughed. The black veins going up to his face.

"Newt. How are you feeling?" Sylvia asks holding the back of his neck. "Terrible" he groans unzipping the jacket. "It's good to see you though little sister" he smiles.

"You'll be okay." Sylvia gives him a smile back, kissing the top of his head before going over to Thomas and Gally. "Hey. How long has he been like this?"

"He'll be okay. I promise. We just gotta get to Brenda. She has the serum." Thomas says. He goes to pick Newt up. "Why you helping us Gally?" Sylvia gives him a look.

"I'm pretty sure you died months ago."

"Yeah. Well I came back. Let's go."

Suddenly as Sylvia and Thomas helped Newt walk. An explosion boomed throughout the whole city. "We're supposed to take down Wicked. Not the whole damn city" Gally mutters.

"Gally. Come on"

They crept through the street. Gally leading them to the tunnels. "Shit! Stay low. Stay low!"

Security cars whaled infront of them. "What are they waiting for?" Another explosion happened behind Thomas. A crowd of people ran through the smoke. They threw bombs at the police cars. "Stay down!"

"We gotta go. We gotta go."

They stumbled back to where they came from. The riot blocking the way so the tunnels. They hid inside a building as Thomas walkie talkies Brenda. "Newt."

His breathing was uneven and he was getting sicker by the second. "We'll get you through, okay? I promise, you'll be okay." Sylvia held her hand to his chest.


"All right, Newt we're almost there" Gally reassured. "Just leave me" he grumbles. Before anyone could respond an exploding car flew past. Causing them to stumble back. "This city is bloody insane"

The wicked air craft flew above them. Brenda was in there. "Okay, that's them. That's them. We gotta go"

"Go without me." Newt coughs. The black goo already leaking out his mouth. "No, no, no, no" Sylvia pants holding onto his face. Sylvia looks to Thomas, terrified. Sylvia never felt more scared in her life. There was no way she was going to lose her brother right after they just got out of wicked.

"Gally, you gotta run ahead, grab the serum, and get back to us as soon as you can."

"Gally, go."

Thomas takes a deep sigh, standing up to see how they could possibly get through. Newts eyes were way too black. "Hey, look at me. Don't look at that." Sylvia turned his head to face her. "Please don't go." She mutters, tears threatening to fall out her eyes.

The virus caught up to him. His breathing started to turn into light growls. "Hey, Newt" Thomas kneeled back down. "We're gonna try this. Okay? We gotta move, now."


"Newt, let's go!" Sylvia hisses grabbing onto his arm. "No! Sylvia!" Newt pulled the necklace he was wearing off as Thomas and Sylvia tried to get him up.

"Just take it!" Newt yells. Sylvia grabbed onto the necklace. "Please, Syl. Please"

Sylvia nods. Stuffing the necklace into her pocket. "Newt, I need you to give me everything you got. Right now. Okay? Let's go." Thomas says.

"Okay, 1, 2, 3." Sylvia and Thomas pick him up. They brought him across the first street and through a building. "Almost there Newt. Stay with me, come on"

Newts body fell limp as he fell to the floor. Thomas and Sylvia tried to pull him but it was no use.

"Thomas?" Teresa's voice echoed. Thomas stood up. Sylvia sat down exhausted next to Newt. "No. Come on." she cries softly. Brushing through Newts hair. His face was blank. Like the virus spreaded through him. Sylvia stumbled up when Newt started slowly sitting up.

She stumbled back into Thomas. "Thomas" she whispers.


Newt slowly turns. His face completely covered in dark veins. "Newt."

Newt growled as he launched himself at the two. Thomas dodged and pushed him. He got up quickly form the floor. "Newt, newt it's us!"

Thomas and Newt rolled across the floor. Thomas quickly stood up as Newt panted. "Kill me!" His voice was normal again. Like the virus was going in and out.

"Newt, I'm here."

Newt rammed himself into Sylvia. He pinned her onto the floor. "Newt, come on!" She groans holding him back. Sylvia felt his nails digging into her arm. She groans as Newt loosens his grip "I'm sorry Syl."

Newt growled again, going to grab a gun from the pocket of the pants she got from a guard. He cocked the gun and held it against his head. "No!" Thomas hit the gun out of Newts hand.

Thomas shoved Newt off of Sylvia. He slipped out a knife from his pocket and cut Thomas's shoulder. Sylvia stumbled up, seeing Newt on top of Thomas. She tackled herself into Newt. They quickly got up. Sylvia backed away as Newt swung the knife at her.

She ran into Thomas causing Newt to run into her. A stabbing sound ringed through her ears. "Newt?" She didn't feel anything.

Thomas pulled her back. Revealing the knife stuck into Newt's chest. "No!" Sylvia caught Newt as he fell to the floor. She held his head as tears stung her cheeks.

"Sylvia" he muttered, his eyes cleared as if he gained one last trembling gasp of sanity and his voice softened "I love you."

Sylvia's heart fell into a black abyss as her hands trembled. "I love you too big brother." Sylvia choked out.

She saw his body stop. His head fell limp in her arms. "No, no!" Sylvia's screams pierced the air.

"No. No. No, Newt." Sylvia repeats. Suddenly arms wrapped around her. Minho's. Sylvia sunk into his grasp as her heart shattered. Sylvia whimpered as she saw Newts body infront of her. The boy she swore to protect back in the Glade.

Thomas stood there, watching, watching Brenda as she stayed shocked and how broken Sylvia was. Thomas shook his head, grabbed his gun and left.

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