Now to rescue her

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Ellie got the double harness and Tom flew to a safe distance that he wouldn't push me away with any sudden burst of wind that could come from the helicopter hovering next to me.

Ellie went down and reached for me, I couldn't turn to help her so she grabbed my ankle and held it tight and I hissed.

"Sorry sorry" Ellie said as she pulled me close to her

I saw the rope start to fall and I whimpered in fear and Ellie could tell as she started to ask Tom to bring the harnesses up.

"Ellie" I cried as I grabbed the sleeve of her jacket as the rope slipped off and she kept a tight hold of my ankle

I was still hanging upside down but I could see Neptune watching us, I couldn't tell who was on it but I knew it had to be either Ben or Elvis.

As the harnesses went up I didn't stop crying and Ellie didn't dare let go of the grip she had on me.

Soon when back to the middle of wallaby two Helen grabbed me around my chest and with Ellie's help pulled me into wallaby two and Ellie didn't let go off me to she knew I was at the side where the doors didn't open then she closed the doors and took off her harness.

I was quiet and both Ellie and Helen knew that the rescue and the fear I felt was just a tad of my quietness.

"Jones?" Ellie asked

I held out my hand and Ellie looked confused and Helen smiled and passed me her walkie talkie.

Ellie looked at Helen and said "Helen what,?"

Helen just smiled and mouthed watch.

School trip on island Where stories live. Discover now