fourteen | sommer

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The world of Sainte-Elizabeth is like nothing I have ever seen before. Students walk and talk like they own everything and everyone around them. 

Annette and Amethyste are no different. They prance me around with the widest of smiles and show me absolutely all there is to this school. 

"Anyone who is someone goes here, you know," Amethyste explains eloquently, gesturing to a group of tan-skinned girls sitting by a fountain. "Their fathers are billionaires in Dubai." 

I blink at the mention of a whole other country. "Dubai?"

Annette nods excitedly. "Yes," she points to a ginger girl and a blond boy sitting cross-legged next to a flower garden. "They're the children of a Duke in Manchester." 

"But you, Lila, are probably the most notable girl here. The Monet family basically runs all of France— that's what my father said." 

"So, where have you been?" 

I still. My lips seal shut. 

Eyes wander far away


I can feel hands hands hands on me

The school's gardens fade away into darkness

Where am I? 

I am sitting in the dark against a cell

A girl screams out 

"Help me!" 

But I don't I can't I can't help her

The girl runs to me she shakes me she yells at me to help her but I can't move from my spot on the wall I can't can't can't

"Lila?" Annette taps my shoulder. I flinch slightly, but turn to look at her. She arches an eyebrow at me. "You spaced out. Is something the matter?" 

We sit down at a table covered by a white canopy. Amethyste immediately pulls out a small mirror and hairbrush, smoothing out her already perfect locks. 

I shake my head quickly. "No, of course not." 

Amethyste buds in. "Well, then, back to the question: Where have you been off to for the past few years? Everyone starts going to Sainte-Elizabeth when they are eight." 

"I was homeschooled by a nanny before then." 

"Well, I had a team of governesses." 

I quickly make up a lie. It slips through my teeth easily. "I was homeschooled up until now. My parents wanted to keep me safe." 

"From what?" Annette's eyes sparkle with mischief. 

I shrug. "They never told me." 

Amethyste sighs. "Oh well." She glances to the side, and her face breaks away into a wide smile. I turn my head, and see four boys walking towards us. 

"Ladies," One of the blondes greets. 

"Howdy," The brunet tips an imaginary hat at us. 

Annette stands up, clasping her hands behind her back. "What a surprise. Aren't you four supposed to be on a business tour in Asia with your father?" 

The ginger-haired one grins. "We have our ways."

The blond turns to me. He takes my hand in his and kisses it. My face flushes from the unexpected action. "And who might you be?" 

"I'm Lila... Monet." 

His eyes sparkle. "Pleasure to meet you, Mademoiselle Monet," His French accent is light and subtle, like a dash of salt on the stale Center bread. 

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