five | marbled water

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I'm dressed in a silky pink dress and shiny black shoes. My hair is styled into waves falling around my shoulders. 

My bones are protruding out of my skin. 


"Lila?" My head snaps up. I glance over at Arthur, who sits in front of me. His eye is still bruised. My fist isn't. I try to hold back a smile. 

It's kinda funny. 


"Are you excited to go out to dinner? We've rented out the best restaurant in Paris." Arthur's eyes sparkle. "The food is so good." 

"Yeah, we know. You eat like a caveman when we're there," Nicolas mutters. "It's quite the choking hazard, actually." 

"You just don't appreciate good food," Arthur snaps. 

"I appreciate food alright, I can just show my appreciation in an appropriate manner." 

"Oh yea—"

"Would you two shut up? I can hardly hear myself think," Pierre asks from beside me. 

"You think too much then. Just quiet down your thoughts," Arthur says decisively. 

"I can't help it that I have a big mind in need of stimulation," Pierre snaps. 

"Pierre, you don't think. Your thoughts don't process, they just come right out of your big mouth," Nicolas laughs. 

Pierre huffs, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why are you being so mean to me still? I'm no longer the baby. Lila is now." 

"I'm not a baby anymore. I'm old," I say defensively, glaring at Pierre. He smiles at me sweetly, lightly pushing my arm. 

"Sure you are, Lila, sure you are," He taunts.

Why did I want a brother, again? 

The armored car pulls up at a fancy marbled building in the center of Paris. My eyes widen in amazement. 

"Wow..." I whisper quietly, taking in the sights. There is a huge fountain with clear water pouring into it. 

Pierre helps me out of the car and into the fresh Paris air. I rush towards the fountain without even thinking first. 

I stand at the edge of the fountain, sticking my hand into the cold water. It smells clean, but not like chemicals. It reminds me a rain falling onto grass. 

Living at the Center, I only saw grass when I went to assassinate families living in hiding in the countryside. 

The grass was soon turned red, but on occasion it was raining, and the water washed the redness away. The water made the scene turn pure again.

I feel a presence behind me, but I don't turn around. I know I'm safe.

I also have a knife hidden in the seams of my dress. I swiped it from the kitchen when Cook wasn't looking. 

"We can get you a fountain if you'd like, princess. Right in the driveway. There's a perfect spot for it," Father says. 

A smile makes its way onto my face. I glance at my Father, who is smiling warmly at me. "I'd like that," I whisper. 

I stare back into the glittering water. It flows smoothly into the big bowl at the bottom, but water keeps on coming and it never overflows. 

How does it do that? 

"Hey! This is cute and all, but I'm literally starving over here," Pierre whines from the steps of the marble restaurant.

I turn back around. The restaurant is on the side of this massive square filled with buildings that look old and elegant. There aren't any other people around. 

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