one | nightmare dreams

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Sir stabs me in the arm. 




He laughs and laughs as I cry. 

He calls me weak. 




I yell. I yell and say I'm not insane. I'm not. I'm not a mistake, I say. 

He doesn't care about my feelings. 

He slaps me.

Beats me until I black out. 

After all, he says, his assassins must be disciplined. 




We're meant to serve his cause. We're meant to keep our heads down and kill. 

28 warned me. He said I am either going to kill like everyone else, or be killed. 

And I didn't listen. 

I refused. 



Sir says bad girls must be punished. 

He says he's being generous. He says he's letting me live because he's caring. He cares about me, he says.

I always end up bloody. Everyday day. 

I always scream in pain. As he hurts me. Hurts. Hurts. Hurts. 



And then, I'm gone. 

I wake up with a gasp. A few girls glance at me with sorrowful expressions. I sit up, tugging at the cuff around my ankle, chaining me to the cot. 

It's so we don't run away. 

All of us are chained up before we sleep. We chain our own ankles to the bed, trapping ourselves to avoid punishment. 

Punishments are... not good. 

I get hallucinations after each one. I see them coming back to hurt me even more. Even when I'm barely conscious, lying in my own blood. 

The door opens. I immediately fall back into the cot, squeezing my eyes shut. The guards walk around, unlocking the cuffs. 

It's a fast job. Only 18 girls remain. 

23 boys remain. 

There used to be over 100 of us. 

The rest of them... never returned. They either disappeared on a mission or even from their cots in the middle of the night. 

28 says I'm lucky Sir kept me around. 

I was difficult in the beginning. 

28 claims the difficult ones are sent away immediately. 

There's no use for them. 

Sometimes he teases me and asks what I did to convince Sir to keep me around. I know it's lighthearted, but it makes me feel sick. 

Somehow, I'm special to Sir. He needs me alive. No matter how hard I am to manage. He never kills me. 

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