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"I really hate classes. Why do we have to study instead we could just enjoy our whole life"

Xiao Zhan grumbled as he lazily leaned on the desk. "Why don't you try to study hard for once in your life. Don't you know you have ranked last in our class. Don't you feel ashamed?" Shen Wei narrowed his eyes.

"It's not like I ranked last in the whole school"

"You as well be, since it does not bother you."

"Well...I don't have brains like you guys. Yibo.....is first in class, you are the second....and Yunlan is third....where should I be placed?"

"Fourth is much better than last .."

"Well...no one remembers the person who has fourth rank.....the most memorable one are the last rankers, they are always famous"

Xiao Zhan was grinning as if he said something award worthy. Others sighed in defeat as they could not insert anything in such a thick brain, called Xiao Zhan. Just then the bell ringed and the last class was over.

They were walking out of the school, chatting and laughing completely enjoying each other's company when they heard a shrewd voice calling out for Wei.

"Xiaoooo Weiiiiii......"

A short girl, with a mushroom cut hair wearing a girl's school uniform came running towards them waving her hand in the air. We thought she would stop when she came near us instead she jumped on Wei and he panicking had to catch her mid air. She held Wei's neck and giggled in his ears. Other were horrified to see her pull such a stunt. They were scared to see Wei's reaction but were quite surprised when he had a soft smile on his face instead of a disgusting one. Yunlan had frozen stiff seeing a girl in Wei's arms touching him.

"What the__"

Xiao Zhan broke the ice that had frozen around them. Yibo was shocked by the girls action and was perplexed when Wei started laughing. Yunlan did not like the way the girl was clinging to Wei. He was exploding with jealousy when she kissed Wei on his cheeks and got a loving gaze by Wei.
"So....." Everyone were sitting in Wei's living room staring directly at the girl who has still not let go Wei's hand. "That's your cousin?"

"Yes...." Wei replied nonchalantly as if he wasn't aware of the turmoil his cousin was causing.

"And? Why is she still clinging to your arms?" Yunlan asked feeling completely jealous. He did not like the way she was touching Wei, also he felt uncomfortable by the look she was giving him.

Wei noticed the discomfort Yunlan was feeling and he hit her head slightly to stop what she was trying to do. "Stop staring, Zhu..."

"Who's that cute guy, Wei?"

"That's my........friend..Zhao Yunlan..."

"Yunlan, I like you..,please be my boyfriend"

Wei was now glaring at Yunlan, he sweated when he saw a heated gaze from Wei "Thank you, but NO...I already have someone I like"

"It doesn't matter, I would still like to do the chasing."

Yunlan was uncomfortable and he glanced at Wei to see a dejected look on his face.

Although I know Yunlan doesn't want that either, I still feel sad. I also want to stand by his side as naturally as them and announce to the world that he is my boyfriend. I am so afraid of the outcome.

"You guys sit and talk, I am not feeling well. I will be in my room."

Wei pushes Zhu Hong slightly and walks away from them to his room and closes the door with a bang. The people downstairs get startled and they look at each other confusingly. Yunlan excused himself and followed right behind Wei. Zhu Hong tilted her head in confusion by her cousins and Yunlan's behaviour.

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