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Yunlan just stood there looking at Wei and Su Yang. He did not like the way Su Yang looked at Wei. It was as if he was a hero in her eyes. She had a different emotion whenever she looked at Wei, completely different from the other friends. He felt uncomfortable whenever Su Yang jumped on Wei or when she would touch him. His chest would feel heavy and he didn't like the feeling that bubbles in his stomach. He would always feel anger and threat whenever Su Yang would join their group. It was as if Su Yang would snatch something that belonged to him.

I was even more nervous when I heard Su Yang ask Wei "Xiao Wei, you have a crazy ex. If I didn't know how to fight, I wonder what would have happened to me"

"I am sorry Su, this is all my fault. If I had not broken up with her then this would not have happened"

"It's not your fault Xiao Wei. So many people break up. Some people don't react the way Chen Ling reacted. She is just completely crazy and I am glad that you broke up with such a crazy person"

"Thank you Su"

"But Xiao Wei ..... She wasn't wrong. I do like you...I mean, I have liked you since we were kids. Would you mind taking me into consideration? I mean ..if you are uncomfortable, I am okay with rejection too...you don't have to think too much about it"

".......you must be tired Su. Go home and rest. We will meet tomorrow"

Su had a dejected face but she still covered it with a smile. She waved us goodbye and left towards her home.

"What's wrong?" Wei questioned.

"Are you going to accept Su Yang as your girlfriend?"

"I am tired Yunlan..I am going home"

Before Wei could even take a single step Yunlan held his hand and pulled him towards him. "ANSWER ME!!"

"Let go of me Yunlan..."

"I won't..."

Yunlan holds Wei's shoulder and squeezes it pulling him closer. They are standing just an inch apart from each other. Yunlan is glaring at Wei and Wei is getting a heartattack by the close proximity of each other. Wei's heartbeat thumps as Yunlan's stares at him. A deep hue blush forms upon Wei's cheeks and he averts his gaze from Yunlan.

"I don't think this has anything to do with you. Whether I let Su Yang be my girlfriend or not is my choice"

"Ofcourse it has.....!"

Yunlan again pulls Wei close when he tries to walk away. This time Yunlan gets awareness of how close they are to each other. He let's go of Wei embarrassed and clears his throat, trying his best to calm his racing heart. Wei too was trying his best to erase the blush that had formed on his cheeks.

"Ahem ..I-I mean .....we are good friends and good friends tell each other everything..."

"Friends huh?....then my friend ..I refuse to tell you...."

Wei scoffs and walks away leaving a completely confused Yunlan on the streets.


"Hey Yunlan, why are you sitting here dejected? What happened to you?"

"I don't know Xiao Zhan, I am not feeling good"

"What is bothering you, tell me?"

"If there is a person who is so dear to you that you are willing to go to any length to see them when you are apart. You'll feel heartbroken when you are ignored by them. You get frustrated whenever you see that person gets close to someone else. You long to be their one and only. You want their attention to be only on you and you get hurt whenever they are hurt.....I don't know why I am feeling such things. I don't know what it means. My mind is so messed up. I can't think straight"

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