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The bullying Su Yang faced did not end there. The perpetrators had used the social media platforms in order to shame Su Yang. The photos of her drenched in her bathroom, huddled in the stall were posted on every social media platform and her ID was tagged to the post. The comments she received were harsh. She was made fun of and humiliated harshly. The comments had her name calling, there were few threatening messages about her being close to the four boys, she was disrespected by everyone, there were harsh comments about her physical appearance and how useless she was. Her abilities were doubted and she was harshly treated due to her nationality, for she was from Japan.

Whenever she was alone in school, students didn't let go of the chance to bully her. She was hit behind her head, she was tripped whenever she walked and people just stood by her and laughed at her. She was excluded from everything in the school. No one talked to her nor let her join any club activities. She was kicked out of the reading club without any reason. She was excluded from everything. Her personal information was shared on the school notice board and posters of her funny pictures were shared on social media platforms.

She never let the boys know about anything that was going on with her. They were aware of social and cyber bulling. They tried to delete her pictures whenever it was up on social media. But how much they tried to delete it, a new post would be posted. There were few comments of consolation and pity, but they were overpowered by the harsh ones. They decided to ignore it and live the way they used to live.

Su Yang would act happy and joyful whenever she was with the boys. But whenever she was alone, she felt intimidated and scared. She would always walk while looking at the floor because she had lost confidence to walk with head held high. She started having nightmares about people gathering around her and cackling while pointing fingers at her. Even in her dreams she was teased and bullied. She felt difficulty in sleeping, so sometimes she would be scared to sleep and would stay awake the whole night.

It has been a few days since the boys started to notice things change around Su Yang. They noticed the behaviour of the students and how they were treating her. They were angry, angry was not the right word, they were furious. How could they do this to someone? Don't they know how their behaviour would affect someone? Su Yang had started staying quiet and had stopped talking to anyone. She was starting to exclude herself from them. Whenever they would go to talk to her she would run away from them. She didn't blame them for whatever was happening to her. She was scared, if she stayed with them then they would be treated the same way.

The four boys had gathered in the cafeteria of their school without Su Yang. They sat quietly, deep in their own thoughts. They were brought out of their thoughts when people around them started whispering. They found the source of their whispers. Su Yang was walking with a cast on her right hand. They were shocked to see her hurt. They ran towards her and stopped her from walking away.

"Su ... What happened to your hand?" Wei asked worried.

"Uhh?? Aahh...this..." She said by lifting her right hand "I fell down the stairs yesterday at home and hurt my hand. I got a cast. Not a big deal guys"

"Su ...."

"It really doesn't hurt much. Just a bother that I can't do anything with my right hand"

"Su ..."

"I am hungry ...I want to eat something. I will buy food and come to you guys..okay"

Su Yang walks away without waiting for an answer. Wei spoke up "Guys, she's lying .."

"What? Why do you think so? Yibo questioned.

"I have been to her house. She stays in an apartment on the ground floor. There are no stairs"

"Do you think....?"

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